Re: [心得] Some feelings after 2 of Cate's movies

看板Cate作者 (OK,OK)時間20年前 (2004/05/18 05:26), 編輯推噓0(000)
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※ 引述《katyli (k27)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《paulik (OK,OK)》之銘言: : : 當初這部電影選角確定 : : 維若妮卡的母親說:「我不知道這世上除了凱特布蘭琪,還有誰能演我的女兒。」 : : 這似乎不是一部太成功的電影 : : 但凱特的演出絕對令人感動 : I don't know why you said the movie is not sucessful. : I rent the movie from netlix (an online video store in the US) and the rating : is good (four out of five). I went to a party the other day and we were : talking about movies. One of my friends said it was a good movie, depressing : but good. Granted, it is not a blockbuster, but I think it is never meant : to be (the genre of the movie). 「鍥而不捨」出來的評價的確是不若預期,不論是口碑或票房 這部電影在愛爾蘭本土獲得非常大的迴響,在鄰近的英國也得到OK的票房 不過在美國,票房真的不太好看 這部電影不成功的地方當然不只在它的票房 整部電影敘事不夠流暢、高潮不分明、甚至情節瑣碎等都是缺點 有位影評寫到這部電影"Even Cate Blanchett can't save this movie." ^^; 反正就是電影嘛 最重要的是你喜歡 :) : : 導演是「奧斯卡與露辛達」的吉利安阿姆斯壯 : I will see this movie this week too. I hope this one is much better than : Charlotte Gray. Knowing that Gillian Armstrong insisted of casting : Cate Blanchett on this movie, maybe I should form my opinions of this : director until I see more of her movies. I think Oscar And Lucinda is much better than Charlotte Gray! Even it's a "long" movie though... 吉利安阿姆斯壯電影的特點在刻畫細微的人物個性 「奧斯卡與露辛達」最好看的地方就在這裡 相較之下,「戰地有心人」就是人物性格太不鮮明,整部電影張力差了很多 Cate and Ralph make a perfect couple here!!! Look forward to your review. ^^ -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:
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