[心得] Some feelings after 2 of Cate's movies

看板Cate作者 (k27)時間20年前 (2004/05/16 23:36), 編輯推噓1(100)
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This month I watched two of Cate's movies, Veronica Guerin and Charlotte Gray. I particularly enjoy Cate's acting as a strong woman (I didn't like her role in the Gift). She is such a fantastic person, who is not only beautiful but also with class. Her strong woman role makes me proud of being female and drives me wanting to be a better woman. I wept after I watched Veronica Guerin. I sat there for a few minutes after the movie was over and was silently angry at those people who failed to intervene. Why couldn't they do something when Veronica was still alive? Sigh. Maybe one positive thing from this tragedy is that there is this wonderful actress who could bring Veronica alive and touched our souls. I hope people who love Veronica would appreciate the efforts Cate put into. Charlotte Gray is not as great as Veronic Guerin as a movie, but I like its ending. Cate's acting in Charlotte Gray is great, though. The reason I don't think Charlotte Gray is that great is because it is not credible...The major part of the movie should have been played in Franch. I would love to see how Cate can play with her voices. Instead, most of the time, actors and actresses spoke English when most of them were supposed to be Franch and lived in France. I watched it on DVD and got the chance to hear the director's commentary. Frankly, this is the first director I felt annoyed when I hear her commentary (I only hear commentary when I like the movies). I felt she tried to find a lot of excuses for the weakness of the movie. Anyway, I am looking forward to seeing another three movies played by Cate's, the Missing, Heaven, and The Shipping New next week. I am glad to find this board and to share some of my feelings with you. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: 05/16, , 1F
Thank you for the post!!! ^_^b 05/16, 1F
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