Re: [心得] Some feelings after 2 of Cate's movies

看板Cate作者 (OK,OK)時間20年前 (2004/05/17 04:24), 編輯推噓0(000)
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※ 引述《katyli (k27)》之銘言: : I wept after I watched Veronica Guerin. I sat there for a few minutes : after the movie was over and was silently angry at those people : who failed to intervene. Why couldn't they do something when Veronica : was still alive? Sigh. Maybe one positive thing from this tragedy is : that there is this wonderful actress who could bring Veronica alive : and touched our souls. I hope people who love Veronica would : appreciate the efforts Cate put into. 很多女觀眾看「鍥而不捨」都會哭 我想,像維若妮卡那樣的女性是很不簡單的吧 她有丈夫有孩子,必須壓抑內心的怯弱去走入一條險惡的道路 重點是,當整個社會都不認為她做得到、她也不應該做 那種氣氛之下,維若妮卡的死,更顯得悲壯... 這個角色真的很難演,因為一個記者跟你我沒什麼太大的差別 凱特布蘭琪的演出讓我們知道她投射出的光芒,讓維若妮卡重新復活 而且,栩栩如生 當初這部電影選角確定 維若妮卡的母親說:「我不知道這世上除了凱特布蘭琪,還有誰能演我的女兒。」 這似乎不是一部太成功的電影 但凱特的演出絕對令人感動 : Charlotte Gray is not as great as Veronic Guerin as a movie, : but I like its ending. Cate's acting in Charlotte Gray is great, though. : The reason I don't think Charlotte Gray is that great is because it is not : credible...The major part of the movie should have been played in : Franch. I would love to see how Cate can play with her voices. : Instead, most of the time, actors and actresses spoke English when most : of them were supposed to be Franch and lived in France. : I watched it on DVD and got the chance to hear the director's commentary. : Frankly, this is the first director I felt annoyed when I hear her : commentary (I only hear commentary when I like the movies). I felt she : tried to find a lot of excuses for the weakness of the movie. : Anyway, I am looking forward to seeing another three movies played by 「戰地有心人」呀... 當初大家都很期待這部電影,據說這是凱特的復仇作(因為居然沒拿到奧斯卡) 不過,電影完成後,相當令人訝異地不突出 漏洞百出,劇情實在不吸引人 (不過凱特的演出還是掛保證的) 導演是「奧斯卡與露辛達」的吉利安阿姆斯壯 一次令人錯愕的導演經驗... : Cate's, the Missing, Heaven, and The Shipping New next week. : I am glad to find this board and to share some of my feelings with you. 三部電影一併推薦!!but... only for Cate's performance part,the movies themselves seem so so...>_<; Please share your feelings after seeing those movies. -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:
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