Re: [情報] josh & Zac 退團

看板Paramore作者 (甲酸)時間13年前 (2010/12/25 17:10), 編輯推噓3(302)
留言5則, 3人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
都沒水 來閑聊打打嘴砲 看了推文裡的連結 簡單來說就是hayley行事過於個人主義 很難以想像原來他們之間的問題從一開始就累積到現在 他們是剛出道時我就在追的團 還以為他們是和樂融融的好伙伴 而且josh也和hayley交往過XD 說實在少了兩個元老感覺就是怪怪的~ 裡面也有提到paramore的走向越來越違背他們的初衷 開始走下坡 雖然我個人是很喜歡這個團 不過若到時候真的走下坡我會希望見好就收 起碼讓大家對他們音樂的印象停留在美好的一面 ※ 引述《Smena (失眠啊)》之銘言: : Josh and Zac退團了,但Paramore不會解散! : ___ : 官方公告: : : Over the past 6 years, our band has been through some of the most intense and : incredible experiences of our lives. None of these things have been without : trial. We've worked so hard to get to where we are and the fact that you are : all still here with us says something about you that we will never be able to : truly understand. You have stuck with us through thick and thin and we are so : grateful. A couple of months ago, Josh and Zac let us know they would be : leaving the band after our show in Orlando last Sunday. None of us were : really shocked. For the last year it hasn't seemed as if they wanted to be : around anymore. We want Josh and Zac to do something that makes them happy : and if that isn't here with us, then we support them finding happiness : elsewhere. But we never for a second thought about leaving any of this : behind. We really hope that you can be encouraged by the fact that the three : of us who are still here are ready to take on another chapter of our journey : together. You have always been what keeps us going so why would we stop now? : We want to stick by you. Knowing that we have a unified passion and a clear : vision makes us feel stronger than ever. : The "blog" that was posted regarding everything that is going on with our : band was a fake. We aren't sure who did it or why... And we aren't sure how : they timed it this way. This is the first time that we have spoken out about : what's going on and we wouldn't have released an official statement that : important through a personal blog. So, we're sorry for any confusion and just : to remain clear, this is the first time we have spoken out about this. : We have some amazing things lined up for next year starting with our tour in : South America. We are still coming to you and we are excited about who we are : bringing with us! The tour is still on and we can't wait to see you all. : As we look back, and now as we look with excitement to the future, in all of : this what truly matters are the good times. The pictures of us with our arms : around each other, the long van rides, your faces while you sing along as we : play. Thank you for getting us right here to this very moment. We look : forward to our best times. And we hope you will go there with us. : Love, : Hayley, Jeremy & Taylor : Paramore -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: HCOOH 來自: (12/25 17:14)

12/25 17:21, , 1F
12/25 17:21, 1F
冏 打太快 感謝提醒 ※ 編輯: HCOOH 來自: (12/25 17:41)

12/26 18:40, , 2F
所以真正原因是因為hayley?! 有點錯愕
12/26 18:40, 2F

12/26 18:40, , 3F
12/26 18:40, 3F

12/26 19:19, , 4F
12/26 19:19, 4F

12/26 19:23, , 5F
好桑心喔 歌已經聽不下去了
12/26 19:23, 5F
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