[情報] josh & Zac 退團

看板Paramore作者 (失眠啊)時間13年前 (2010/12/19 10:16), 編輯推噓15(1502)
留言17則, 12人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
Josh and Zac退團了,但Paramore不會解散! ___ 官方公告: http://www.paramore.net/blog/announcement/ Over the past 6 years, our band has been through some of the most intense and incredible experiences of our lives. None of these things have been without trial. We've worked so hard to get to where we are and the fact that you are all still here with us says something about you that we will never be able to truly understand. You have stuck with us through thick and thin and we are so grateful. A couple of months ago, Josh and Zac let us know they would be leaving the band after our show in Orlando last Sunday. None of us were really shocked. For the last year it hasn't seemed as if they wanted to be around anymore. We want Josh and Zac to do something that makes them happy and if that isn't here with us, then we support them finding happiness elsewhere. But we never for a second thought about leaving any of this behind. We really hope that you can be encouraged by the fact that the three of us who are still here are ready to take on another chapter of our journey together. You have always been what keeps us going so why would we stop now? We want to stick by you. Knowing that we have a unified passion and a clear vision makes us feel stronger than ever. The "blog" that was posted regarding everything that is going on with our band was a fake. We aren't sure who did it or why... And we aren't sure how they timed it this way. This is the first time that we have spoken out about what's going on and we wouldn't have released an official statement that important through a personal blog. So, we're sorry for any confusion and just to remain clear, this is the first time we have spoken out about this. We have some amazing things lined up for next year starting with our tour in South America. We are still coming to you and we are excited about who we are bringing with us! The tour is still on and we can't wait to see you all. As we look back, and now as we look with excitement to the future, in all of this what truly matters are the good times. The pictures of us with our arms around each other, the long van rides, your faces while you sing along as we play. Thank you for getting us right here to this very moment. We look forward to our best times. And we hope you will go there with us. Love, Hayley, Jeremy & Taylor Paramore -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

12/19 10:24, , 1F
12/19 10:24, 1F

12/19 10:28, , 2F
12/19 10:28, 2F

12/19 11:19, , 3F
12/19 11:19, 3F

12/19 11:22, , 4F
12/19 11:22, 4F

12/19 16:41, , 5F
12/19 16:41, 5F

12/19 17:01, , 6F
兄弟檔退休 這樣就不是paramore了(崩潰)
12/19 17:01, 6F

12/19 18:05, , 7F
12/19 18:05, 7F

12/19 22:54, , 8F
12/19 22:54, 8F

12/24 22:00, , 9F
12/24 22:00, 9F

12/25 01:16, , 10F
http://ppt.cc/e5HW 這裡有大略的原因
12/25 01:16, 10F

12/25 08:29, , 11F
12/25 08:29, 11F

12/25 12:04, , 12F
12/25 12:04, 12F

12/26 16:01, , 13F
12/26 16:01, 13F

12/26 18:55, , 14F
看完那個連結心情好複雜 不知道該怎麼想才對
12/26 18:55, 14F

12/27 00:08, , 15F
12/27 00:08, 15F

12/27 19:59, , 16F
oh...no :(
12/27 19:59, 16F

12/28 23:55, , 17F
12/28 23:55, 17F
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文章代碼(AID): #1D3MhtFB (Paramore)