Re: [問題] 請問有人看得懂嗎【頭子回應歪國人事件】

看板Oasis作者 ([midtown pride])時間16年前 (2009/04/05 21:25), 編輯推噓37(37041)
留言78則, 19人參與, 最新討論串4/4 (看更多)
國外聽演唱會喝酒確實是很平常的事, 捲煙大麻也很常見. 當然, 那是國外, 台灣是台灣. 他們違規帶酒進場確實不對(非常不對), 但從他的回應中, 也可發現他根本 不知道那天不能帶酒.. 因為長期在國外的關係, 對台灣bilingual的狀況會比較敏感. 在我印象中, 從購票網站, 主辦單位網站, 到演唱會現場, 所有的標語跟規定都沒有看到 有英文版的. 年代售票唯一有英文的地方, 文法用詞還有錯誤. 當然, 這是 大環境的問題, 畢竟英文並不是台灣官方語言, 沒有人規定什麼都要有英文 版本.. by the way, 從接駁巴士到飲料, 比起國外很多演唱會, in contrast to some complaints I saw in a few posts above, 我覺得這次主辦單已經很用 心了. 相信一次會比一次會更好! ※ 引述《juno3210 (Gina)》之銘言: : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : 而他這麼回答的: : Hi Juno, : Thanks for changing the description of your video, : like you say, we all love Oasis. : Maybe Taiwanese don't understand, : but in England when people go to watch bands they jump around and shout : (especially if they like the music), : and at the front is the place to be to jump around - but not in Taiwan, : because people just seemed to stand there and clap at the end. : For us it was very strange. : We were drinking in there, again, maybe strange for Taiwanese people. : Oasis are a band for drinkers, most of their songs have references to : drink in them ("Cigarettes and Alcohol") so it was strange that people in : there didn't seem to understand the culture of the band like you or I do : Also Liam and Noel like to drink. : Anyway, thanks for posting the video and clearing that up, I hope you : had a great night at the concert - I know I did. : And maybe you can explain on the message boards complaining about : us that it is a cultural thing, we are more active at concerts. : Thanks again, : Alex : PS Don't know about writing all the words that Noel said for you, : may take a long time! : -----=口=原來他們就是那群帶酒的歪國人---------------- : 只能說各國風俗民情不同,他們覺得木頭人很奇怪,不能帶酒也很奇怪..... : (不過為甚麼工讀生沒有搜他們呢??據我所知日本場也是相同規格...) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: baobei 來自: (04/05 21:29)

04/05 21:29, , 1F
04/05 21:29, 1F

04/05 21:30, , 2F
我跟你想的一樣!!根本沒看到英文說明 外國人怎麼會知道
04/05 21:30, 2F

04/05 21:31, , 3F
04/05 21:31, 3F

04/05 21:31, , 4F
04/05 21:31, 4F

04/05 21:32, , 5F
04/05 21:32, 5F

04/05 21:32, , 6F
其實我常在想 這些外國人怎麼買票XD
04/05 21:32, 6F

04/05 21:32, , 7F
會喝酒很奇怪 但春吶那些活動其實就跟外國的音樂祭很像
04/05 21:32, 7F

04/05 21:34, , 8F
我去買票有遇到外國人 有一個台灣女生幫他們買 買了十幾張
04/05 21:34, 8F

04/05 21:46, , 9F
那我該怎麼回他呢? 可以有人幫我翻:
04/05 21:46, 9F

04/05 21:46, , 10F
04/05 21:46, 10F

04/05 21:46, , 11F
04/05 21:46, 11F

04/05 21:47, , 12F
04/05 21:47, 12F

04/05 21:47, , 13F
04/05 21:47, 13F

04/05 21:47, , 14F
04/05 21:47, 14F

04/05 21:47, , 15F
04/05 21:47, 15F

04/05 21:48, , 16F
04/05 21:48, 16F

04/05 21:48, , 17F
04/05 21:48, 17F

04/05 21:48, , 18F
04/05 21:48, 18F

04/05 21:48, , 19F
04/05 21:48, 19F

04/05 21:49, , 20F
04/05 21:49, 20F

04/05 21:49, , 21F
一句話啦 請他詳細閱讀入場規範
04/05 21:49, 21F

04/05 21:50, , 22F
我覺得即使不懂中文 看旁人臉臭了也要顧慮一下吧...
04/05 21:50, 22F

04/05 21:50, , 23F
04/05 21:50, 23F

04/05 21:53, , 24F
好吧 不過我想如果他們真的不知道 也要告訴他們一下
04/05 21:53, 24F

04/05 21:53, , 25F
我也覺得頂多告訴他 入場前請詳細閱讀入場規範 就好了
04/05 21:53, 25F

04/05 21:55, , 26F
回: thanx for the clarification. by the way, just
04/05 21:55, 26F

04/05 21:55, , 27F
letting you know, it was the policy that no outside
04/05 21:55, 27F

04/05 21:56, , 28F
drinks were allowed at the concert.
04/05 21:56, 28F

04/05 21:57, , 29F
a rule strictly requested by the band, so heard.
04/05 21:57, 29F

04/05 21:58, , 30F
it was clearly stated by the organizer, and that was
04/05 21:58, 30F

04/05 21:58, , 31F
what the security check points were for at the door.
04/05 21:58, 31F

04/05 21:59, , 32F
可直接回, 別客氣
04/05 21:59, 32F

04/05 22:04, , 33F
好 我回了 只能希望所有演唱會訊息都有中英文版
04/05 22:04, 33F

04/05 22:04, , 34F
04/05 22:04, 34F
※ 編輯: baobei 來自: (04/05 22:06)

04/05 22:08, , 35F
馬的死老外!!他馬上回我了 我不想理他了 完全不要臉!
04/05 22:08, 35F

04/05 22:08, , 36F
Well security didn't do a very good job then,
04/05 22:08, 36F

04/05 22:09, , 37F
I had the cheapest ticket but got to the front, with
04/05 22:09, 37F

04/05 22:09, , 38F
a load of whiskey! Rock and roll!
04/05 22:09, 38F

04/05 22:10, , 39F
04/05 22:10, 39F

04/05 22:10, , 40F
04/05 22:10, 40F

04/05 22:10, , 41F
太扯... 我苦笑了
04/05 22:10, 41F

04/05 22:11, , 42F
04/05 22:11, 42F

04/05 22:11, , 43F
根本恬不知恥 這種人...... 把asshole放回去好了
04/05 22:11, 43F

04/05 22:11, , 44F
04/05 22:11, 44F

04/05 22:11, , 45F
這種人恬不知恥 不須要浪費時間跟他戰了 感覺跟某扁很像
04/05 22:11, 45F

04/05 22:12, , 46F
我還以為我搞錯 原來真的從C跑到A 幹 畜牲
04/05 22:12, 46F

04/05 22:13, , 47F
有時間想跟他戰的話 我PO的影片上有他的評論 請拿去用吧
04/05 22:13, 47F

04/05 22:13, , 48F
04/05 22:13, 48F

04/05 22:21, , 49F
直接回他fuck you了啦
04/05 22:21, 49F

04/05 22:21, , 50F
放回去+1 再加上they sneaked into the front
04/05 22:21, 50F

04/05 22:23, , 51F
垃圾到哪裡都是垃圾 不要浪費時間跟它耗了
04/05 22:23, 51F

04/05 22:24, , 52F
04/05 22:24, 52F

04/05 22:37, , 53F
04/05 22:37, 53F

04/05 22:38, , 54F
恩 也是 版大這很明顯的是抱怨文 所以把他刪掉好了
04/05 22:38, 54F

04/05 22:38, , 55F
跟驗票無關吧 他應該是進場後從C區跑到A區
04/05 22:38, 55F

04/05 22:40, , 56F
04/05 22:40, 56F

04/05 22:43, , 57F
04/05 22:43, 57F

04/05 22:47, , 58F
04/05 22:47, 58F

04/05 22:47, , 59F
沒必要再嗆了吧 也不只他爆衝吧="=a
04/05 22:47, 59F

04/05 22:48, , 60F
04/05 22:48, 60F

04/05 22:50, , 61F
可能還要安排壯漢吧 - - 外國男人女人都超粗壯的
04/05 22:50, 61F

04/05 22:50, , 62F
只是事後還得意成這樣 真是令人傻眼
04/05 22:50, 62F

04/05 22:51, , 63F
04/05 22:51, 63F

04/05 22:51, , 64F
04/05 22:51, 64F

04/05 22:52, , 65F
04/05 22:52, 65F

04/05 22:53, , 66F
推樓上 酒可是像可樂般的飲料啊XD
04/05 22:53, 66F

04/05 22:54, , 67F
中國人真儒家思想徹底啊 以德服人 但降就會被佔便宜XD
04/05 22:54, 67F

04/05 22:55, , 68F
04/05 22:55, 68F

04/05 22:57, , 69F
04/05 22:57, 69F

04/05 22:58, , 70F
人 這是在罵我嗎?? 老娘有點不爽了喔...
04/05 22:58, 70F

04/05 23:00, , 71F
04/05 23:00, 71F

04/05 23:00, , 72F
04/05 23:00, 72F

04/05 23:01, , 73F
04/05 23:01, 73F

04/05 23:02, , 74F
XD很抱歉喔~!!樓上 那個帳號會直接回到他信箱 所以大
04/05 23:02, 74F

04/05 23:02, , 75F
04/05 23:02, 75F

04/06 00:01, , 76F
他又回了一些很酸的道歉文, 真是沒救了
04/06 00:01, 76F

04/06 00:20, , 77F
就算英文沒說清楚 我才不相信哪些老外會不知道台灣
04/06 00:20, 77F

04/06 00:20, , 78F
04/06 00:20, 78F
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