Re: [問題] 請問有人看得懂嗎【頭子回應歪國人事件】

看板Oasis作者 (Gina)時間16年前 (2009/04/05 20:37), 編輯推噓36(36036)
留言72則, 23人參與, 最新討論串3/4 (看更多)
我回訊息給他了,我這麼寫的: (如有錯誤語法請見諒,想從頭敘述原委) I think there is a very big misunderstand, Because before that were few foreigners brought whiskey or beer inside, yelling and spill it everywhere. And made some people unhappy. (But its a concert, who dont yell? ) I saw that info on the BBS, I think we confound u guys are that whiskey crew, and some people cant understand u guys saying, they're worried u said badly thing to Noel, so I post the video, and helping they understand. But it's obvious that wrong translate made me write a wrong description. I hope u can forgive me. Thanks for letting me know what Noel was really talking about. (I can hardly understand Noel's accent, though it's charming :D) Since we all love Oasis's songs,would you forgive my misunderstanding? Would you please type out all the words they said in the rest part of the concert. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 而他這麼回答的: Hi Juno, Thanks for changing the description of your video, like you say, we all love Oasis. Maybe Taiwanese don't understand, but in England when people go to watch bands they jump around and shout (especially if they like the music), and at the front is the place to be to jump around - but not in Taiwan, because people just seemed to stand there and clap at the end. For us it was very strange. We were drinking in there, again, maybe strange for Taiwanese people. Oasis are a band for drinkers, most of their songs have references to drink in them ("Cigarettes and Alcohol") so it was strange that people in there didn't seem to understand the culture of the band like you or I do Also Liam and Noel like to drink. Anyway, thanks for posting the video and clearing that up, I hope you had a great night at the concert - I know I did. And maybe you can explain on the message boards complaining about us that it is a cultural thing, we are more active at concerts. Thanks again, Alex PS Don't know about writing all the words that Noel said for you, may take a long time! -----=口=原來他們就是那群帶酒的歪國人---------------- 只能說各國風俗民情不同,他們覺得木頭人很奇怪,不能帶酒也很奇怪..... (不過為甚麼工讀生沒有搜他們呢??據我所知日本場也是相同規格...) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

04/05 20:41, , 1F
就我自己感覺 工讀生不敢搜外國人的啦...
04/05 20:41, 1F

04/05 20:41, , 2F
大部分台灣人只要英文不太好的 面對外國人很容易就弱掉
04/05 20:41, 2F

04/05 20:41, , 3F
04/05 20:41, 3F

04/05 20:43, , 4F
只是我還是覺得他說 因為Noel跟Liam有喝酒 所以帶酒OK
04/05 20:43, 4F

04/05 20:43, , 5F
原來是肥綠兩二組? 斡
04/05 20:43, 5F

04/05 20:43, , 6F
04/05 20:43, 6F

04/05 20:44, , 7F
事實上, 當晚有很多人帶酒喔. 各區都有
04/05 20:44, 7F

04/05 20:45, , 8F
我走的時候地上就有空瓶子....- -+
04/05 20:45, 8F

04/05 20:45, , 9F
在C區要離開時 地上有各家的啤酒罐 搞得我鞋底很黏
04/05 20:45, 9F

04/05 20:47, , 10F
文化真奇妙 語言真奇妙 世界真奇妙
04/05 20:47, 10F

04/05 20:48, , 11F
你就跟他說 這邊是台灣阿 follow the rules 很奇怪嗎
04/05 20:48, 11F

04/05 20:49, , 12F
04/05 20:49, 12F

04/05 20:50, , 13F
04/05 20:50, 13F

04/05 20:50, , 14F
那我是不是可以抽菸 也可以哈草 OASIS都喜歡阿
04/05 20:50, 14F

04/05 20:50, , 15F
無聊 死老外
04/05 20:50, 15F

04/05 20:54, , 16F
04/05 20:54, 16F

04/05 20:54, , 17F
04/05 20:54, 17F

04/05 20:55, , 18F
nos 我這有幾雙踝襪 (雙手奉上) XD
04/05 20:55, 18F

04/05 20:59, , 19F
04/05 20:59, 19F

04/05 21:00, , 20F
我有個疑問欸 他是因為是回給台灣人 所以單字都打得
04/05 21:00, 20F

04/05 21:00, , 21F
04/05 21:00, 21F

04/05 21:01, , 22F
我看完了以後 想把asshole放回去.....
04/05 21:01, 22F

04/05 21:01, , 23F
幹麻不用中文跟他對幹 幹麻配合他講英文
04/05 21:01, 23F

04/05 21:02, , 24F
果然鄉民很容易被左右 XDD
04/05 21:02, 24F

04/05 21:03, , 25F
既然他覺得是cultural thing 但還是得守規矩吧 一副在替自己
04/05 21:03, 25F

04/05 21:03, , 26F
04/05 21:03, 26F

04/05 21:04, , 27F
就事論事的話 他們沒罵oasis 所以這方面不混蛋
04/05 21:04, 27F

04/05 21:04, , 28F
但是講這種屁話開脫 就是混蛋 只是就跟影片沒關係了
04/05 21:04, 28F

04/05 21:05, , 29F
倒是私訊就罵人白痴 實在很沒禮貌 果然就是這種程度
04/05 21:05, 29F

04/05 21:05, , 30F
我是就【死老外】相關文章而打的敘述 顯而言之這些人已經
04/05 21:05, 30F

04/05 21:06, , 31F
而且在回應裡還說他們那群人是handsome English lads =.=
04/05 21:06, 31F

04/05 21:06, , 32F
04/05 21:06, 32F

04/05 21:07, , 33F
juno 他們造成太多人不便是重點!!
04/05 21:07, 33F

04/05 21:08, , 34F
04/05 21:08, 34F

04/05 21:08, , 35F
自己嗨是一回事 嚴重影響其他人造成困擾就該檢討
04/05 21:08, 35F

04/05 21:09, , 36F
硍 所以還是死老外 XD
04/05 21:09, 36F

04/05 21:11, , 37F
04/05 21:11, 37F

04/05 21:11, , 38F
For us they are very strange!!!這裡是台灣!!!
04/05 21:11, 38F

04/05 21:11, , 39F
所以我要跟他戰嗎 馬的這時候才知道英文用時方恨爛!!
04/05 21:11, 39F

04/05 21:11, , 40F
對明文規定裝傻 如此而已
04/05 21:11, 40F

04/05 21:12, , 41F
所以事情分開來看 他們沒嗆oasis 但是其他作為很OOXX
04/05 21:12, 41F

04/05 21:12, , 42F
所以這老外本位主義超重 當忘了自己在台灣 在台灣 你
04/05 21:12, 42F

04/05 21:12, , 43F
04/05 21:12, 43F

04/05 21:14, , 44F
04/05 21:14, 44F

04/05 21:14, , 45F
雖然不爽 但要跟他戰也怪怪的...不過你可以在影片描述
04/05 21:14, 45F

04/05 21:15, , 46F
他如果是肥綠的話,賞他一句joder tu puta madre
04/05 21:15, 46F

04/05 21:15, , 47F
裡用中文加一句 "當天晚上喝酒鬧事的老外都去死!"XD
04/05 21:15, 47F

04/05 21:15, , 48F
我對他們向頭子嗆用asshole而道歉 畢竟這是誤會
04/05 21:15, 48F

04/05 21:16, , 49F
但喝酒方面真的很asshole 真的國外都是這樣嗎?
04/05 21:16, 49F

04/05 21:16, , 50F
it's not the matter of whether Liam or Noel likes to
04/05 21:16, 50F

04/05 21:16, , 51F
drink or not, it's about the rules, and you have to
04/05 21:16, 51F

04/05 21:17, , 52F
follow them, this is what matters 這樣回好了y
04/05 21:17, 52F

04/05 21:18, , 53F
你就簡單回一句, "下次請尊守台灣的規定"...
04/05 21:18, 53F

04/05 21:18, , 54F
04/05 21:18, 54F

04/05 21:19, , 55F
04/05 21:19, 55F

04/05 21:19, , 56F
04/05 21:19, 56F

04/05 21:20, , 57F
04/05 21:20, 57F

04/05 21:20, , 58F
哈!其實完全不關我的事噎 歪國人是在A右 我是在A中XD
04/05 21:20, 58F

04/05 21:22, , 59F
對阿好像是 不能帶硬的東西之類的...
04/05 21:22, 59F

04/05 21:22, , 60F
噗那更沒我的事耶 我在B 可是看到這種行為就很不爽啊
04/05 21:22, 60F

04/05 21:22, , 61F
There is no "standard concert behaviors," only rules
04/05 21:22, 61F

04/05 21:23, , 62F
that is meant to be followed before one decides to
04/05 21:23, 62F

04/05 21:23, , 63F
04/05 21:23, 63F

04/05 21:24, , 64F
我在C >< 不過還是很討厭會干擾別人的作為
04/05 21:24, 64F

04/05 21:58, , 65F
在英國看過演唱會 是有賣酒的 (塑膠杯...)
04/05 21:58, 65F

04/05 22:44, , 66F
你回的好客氣喔plz forgive me 他們應該感到更有優越感:p
04/05 22:44, 66F

04/05 22:56, , 67F
不用說啥forgive me吧..說Pardon my French就ok啦XD
04/05 22:56, 67F

04/06 01:11, , 68F
荷蘭這邊也是有賣酒的 塑膠杯 而且唱到一半會有人把酒
04/06 01:11, 68F

04/06 01:12, , 69F
丟來丟去 = = 演唱會結束整個地板都是黏的
04/06 01:12, 69F

04/06 01:15, , 70F
推一下 roswi的說法 說真的 這邊室內演唱會都有人帶大麻
04/06 01:15, 70F

04/06 01:16, , 71F
他們覺得沒什麼也很正常 但規定就是規定
04/06 01:16, 71F

04/06 10:25, , 72F
This is Taiwan
04/06 10:25, 72F
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