Re: [新聞] Manson Interviewed In Q magazine

看板M_Manson作者 (教父<置之死地>)時間20年前 (2004/05/03 23:38), 編輯推噓5(500)
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※ 引述《noseven (geeza)》之銘言: : Manson Interviewed In Q magazine : Q magazine was on the lookout for questions to ask Manson as part of their : monthly 'Cash For Questions' feature. The questions have been asked, : typed up and appear in the April 2004 edition. : Read the article here : : : : [posted 3/16/2004 U.S.A.] How does the God Of Fuck handle supermarkets? Is he OK with blokes buffing the happy lamp over his glamour model girlfriend? And, "dildocam" aside, is he really as bizarre as he's cracked up to be? Over to you, Marilyn Manson... God Of Fuck 如何掌握超級市場?他可以接受對著他誘人的模特兒女友打槍的傢伙嗎? 「按摩棒攝影機」之外,他真的像他自己說的那麼怪嗎?交給你了,Marilyn Manson…… WORDS MATT ALLEN PICTURES NICK WILSON Marilyn Manson has just bought a new sex toy. But, unlike the common or garden love aids available from, let's say, Ann Summers, this one has an extra special feature. Marilyn Manson 剛買了個新的性愛玩具。但是,它和在 Ann Summers 可以買到的 那些一般助性用品不同;這個可是有附加特殊功能的。 "It's a silver dildo," he says in a deep-throated drawl as his purple lips curl into a lopsided grin. "And it has a video camera fixed in the tip. You can hook it up to your TV for some exploratory dildocam pornography." 「這是根銀色按摩棒,」他說這話的時候帶著拉長的深喉音,紫色的嘴唇捲成歪斜的笑。 「而且它的頂端有攝影機。你可以把它吊到你的電視上,來點探索性的按摩棒攝影。」 His right eyes twinkles mischievously. His left, smeared in make-up and clouded with that eerie opaque contact lens, fixes me with a lifeless glare. 他的右眼淘氣地閃著。左邊那隻塗抹了化妝品,覆在詭異的不透明隱形眼鏡下, 用種毫無生機的眼神盯住我。 "Shirley Manson from Garbage deep throated it the other day because she'd recently has some mouth surgery and we wanted to check out the scars. That was pretty sexual. But Avril Lavigne was terrified of it when I showed it to her." 「Garbage 的 Shirley Manson 前幾天含過它,因為她最近動了個口部手術, 我們要檢查傷口。那挺性感的。但是我把他拿給 Avril Lavigne 看的時候, 她嚇得要死。」 And who can blame her? It's reassuring to note that after five albums of generation-terrorising goth metal, numerous legal tussles with authority and a recent sortie into 1930s Weimar Republic chic, Manson still oozes sexual menace. Today, however, he resembles a Rocky Horror bellboy sprawled across a sofa in a darkened hotel suite. He will also prove to be surprisingly funny. 可是誰能怪她呢?經過五張驚嚇了整個世代的歌德金屬專輯,無數次和當局的法律鬥爭, 還有最近以1930年代威瑪共和的軍裝出擊,Manson 仍然分泌著性愛的威脅氣息, 令人放心。不過,今天的他就像 Rocky Horror 裡的侍者,在幽暗的旅館套房中 攤在沙發上。其實他有趣得很。 "I hear Cash For Questions is like sitting in the psychiartrist's chair," he growls, extending his Bambi legs and reclining into a clutter of cushions with groan. " I may as well adopt the position then..." 「我聽說 Cash For Question 就像坐在心理治療師的椅子上一樣,」他嘟噥, 伸展他細長的腿,帶著呻吟躺進一堆靠墊裡。「那我可能也要採取這種姿勢……」 Do you still enjoy the odd enema party? 你還是很喜歡奇怪的灌腸派對嗎? James Merriman, London Not lately. It's too close to the whole bathing thing and I try to avoid that these days, although I do get hosed down after shows. I find that if you keep yourself dirty you stay drunk longer and drugs work better. It also makes your body an uncomfortable place for germs to live so you don't get sick. 最近沒有。它和整個洗澡的距離太近了,這些天我試著逃避它,雖然我表演完後 的確會淋浴。我發現如果你保持骯髒的話,你酒醉的時間會長一點,而且藥變得 比較有效。這也讓你的身體對細菌來說是個不舒適的住處,所以你不會生病。 But there have been enema parties in the past. They're fun, although there's no social etiquette to them. It's not as if you lay out the fine wine and snacks, play some classical music and then have an enema. The only thing that come close to that for depravity lately is dildocam. It's seen the sights, I can tell you. 但是以前有灌腸派對。很好玩,雖然完全沒有社會規範。並不是你擺出好酒和零食, 玩些古典音樂,然後來個灌腸。最近唯一在墮落程度上跟那比較接近的是按摩棒攝影機。 它看得到風景,我可以告訴你。 Did you really touch that security guard's head with "Little Marilyn"? 你真的有用「Little Marilyn」碰那個保安人員的頭嗎? Claire Willis, Torquay No, and people made it sound like I'd had sex with this guy, which was absolutely ridiculous. But it went to trial and I won, I proved that it was total bullshit, that I didn't take off my pants. It's still tied up in legal stuff at the moment so I can't say too much about it, except some people saw an opportunity to sue somebody for doing something stupid. I was glad that the jury saw through that. And this jury has born-again Christians and older people in it, people that wouldn't normally take my side. 沒有,而且人們把它講得好像是我想和這傢伙做愛,真是太好笑了。 不過審判之後我贏了,我證明它完全是個狗屎,我沒有脫掉我的褲子。 它還在法庭裡面所以我不能說太多,只是有些人看到機會可以控告某人做的某件蠢事。 我很高興陪審團看穿了這一點。而且這個陪審團裡面有受洗的基督徒和年紀比較大的人, 就是那些通常不會站在我這邊的人。 When was the last time you went out without make-up on? 你上一次沒化妝就出門是什麼時候? Kelly Green, Glasgow When I went to the airport a couple of days ago, they don't really take kindly of that sort of things at passport control. I think people overestimate the amount of make-up I wear though — it's just a bit of lipstick and eyeliner. But I get recognised with the make-up off all the time and I haven't has much luck with disguises. One time when I was leaving a movie theatre I was mistaken for Michael Jackson, though. It wasn't a children's movie theatre, I'd like to add. 兩天前我去機場的時候,檢查護照的人對那種東西實在不友善。我想人們高估了 我用的化妝品—只是一點唇膏和眼線。可是我每次沒化妝還是會被認出來, 而且我偽裝的不太好。不過,有一次我正要離開電影院的時後被認成 Michael Jackson。 很高興那不是間兒童電影院。 My girlfiend convinced me to take her to a Manson gig and left me the day after. Can this be related to the fact she listens to your music, and can I have my money back? 我的女朋友說服我帶她去看 Manson 演出而且第二天就離開我了。 這和她聽你的音樂是否有關?我可以把我的錢要回來嗎? Faviano Corsetti, Rome [Laughs] Firstly, did she come home with one of us that night? And secondly, no you can't have your money back because if you get suckered like that, then it's your own fault. I always play a game after shows; it involves dangling a backstage pass in front of a girl while her boyfriend's there. It interests me to see whether the girl will leave her boyfriend behind. Of course, they always do and I think there have been some violent reactions where guys — husbands sometimes — have tried to get into the room where we're staying. If a relationship breaks up that easily it wasn't meant to be, I suppose. (笑)首先,她當晚有和我們之中的人回家嗎?然後,不你不能把你的錢要回去, 因為如果你被這樣玩,那就是你自己的錯。我表演完之後都會玩個遊戲; 當女孩的男友不在場的時候,拿著後台通行證在她眼前晃。我對於女孩會不會 把他男朋友丟在一邊很有興趣。當然他們總是會,我想那些男朋友—有時候是老公— 試著進到我們的房間的時候,曾經有暴力反應。如果一段關係這麼容易就斷了, 那就不是命中注定,我覺得。 What's your biggest vice? 你最大的罪惡是什麼? Robjones, Birmingham Absinthe, closely followed by many others. I discovered it eight years ago and it's highly, highly addictive. 苦艾酒,緊追在後的還有很多。我八年前發掘了它,而且它非常、非常令人沉迷。 Given Arnie's leap into politics, do you think it might be time to follow suit? 看到 Arnie 跳進政治裡頭,你覺得是跟進的時候嗎? Gordon Allen, Dorset God, it just seems so boring. I live in California and when there's a political debate going on I know that it'll be humorous, because he can't even speak English that well. Personally I try to internalise my politics into art. If you make art and people like it then it may have a butterfly effect and they may change their personal politics because of it. These days I'd much rather be the president of the Mickey Mouse Club than get into politics. 天啊,這聽起來多麼無趣。我住在加州,當那裡有政治辯論我知道一定會很好玩, 因為他連英語都說得沒那麼好。我個人嘗試把我的政治內化到藝術中。 如果你創作藝術而人們喜歡它,那麼可能會有蝴蝶效應,他們可能會因此改變 他們的政治看法。這些天來我想當 Mickey Mouse Club 的總裁遠勝於進入政壇。 Do you "do" supermarkets? 你上超級市場嗎? Darren Drake, Bromley Sometimes if I drunk. If I'm on tour and we're in the middle of nowhere, I'll buy a load of shit that no one wants and then wake up and wonder how and why I've got a T-shirt with an Indian on it or some polished rocks. When I'm at home I have this speed-freak woman who takes care of my houses. She's very interesting — her teeth fell out last Christmas, but nobody's sure whether that's because of all the speed she takes or because she smashed her mouth on a crack pipe. I leave her in charge of getting my food, so I rarely eat. 有時候,如果我喝醉的話。如果我在巡迴演出,而且我們到了個前不著村後不著店 的地方,我會買一堆沒人要的大便,然後醒過來想著我怎麼、為什麼買了件 上面有印地安人的T恤,或者一些打磨過的石頭。在家裡的時候我有這個超愛速度 (speed-freak)的女人照顧我的屋子。她很好玩—上次聖誕節的時候她的牙齒掉了, 但是沒人能肯定是因為她的速度或是因為她的嘴撞在高級煙斗上。我讓她負責 弄我的食物,所以我很少吃東西。 Have you ever met anyone and thought: Ooh, they're a bit strange? 你有沒有遇過任何人讓你覺得:歐,他們有點怪? Wendy Lonsdale, Nottingham Yeah and oddly enough it was Avril Lavigne. She came to one of my shows and we met backstage and I thought she was very, very strange, because she really doesn't have anyone babysitting her. There weren't any bodyguards and I don't know whether that was impressive because she is indepedent, or strange because she doesn't know that somebody may kidnap her, cut of her toes and sell them to someone like me on E-bay. I found her to be nice... but strange. And it's very impressive of her to hang out with me with dildocam around. No good can come of that, can it? 有啊而且夠奇怪的,是 Avril Lavigne。她來看我的表演,我們在後台碰了面, 我認為她非常,非常奇怪,因為真的沒有人在照顧她。她沒帶任何保鑣, 我不知該說這令人印象深刻,因為她很獨立;還是該說這很奇怪,因為她居然 不知道有人可能會綁架她,切掉她的腳指頭,然後賣給 E-bay 上面跟我一樣的人。 我覺得她人不錯……但是怪。而且她和我和按摩棒待在一起也令人印象深刻。 那樣沒什麼好的,是不是? Michael Jackson's "secret room": your thoughts please? Michael Jackson 的「祕密房間」:請問你的看法? Jenny Simmons, Cardiff I still want to see pictures of it [the concealed room supposedly discovered behind a walk-in wardrobe at Jackson's Neverland ranch] because people hype things up to a certain degree. I guess I'm just jealous because it sounds better than my house. I've only got one child skeleton and a couple of pictures of Macaulay Culkin at my place. 我還是想看它的照片(Jackson 的 Neverland 牧場裡一個可走入式衣櫃後面的隱藏房間) 因為人們都興奮到了一個地步。我猜我只是嫉妒,因為它聽起來比我的房子還好。 我的地方只有一具兒童骨骸和兩張 Macaulay Culkin 的照片。 Just how mental was your notoriously unhinged bus driver Wiggins? 你那惡名昭彰的瘋狂巴士司機 Wiggins 到底有多神經? Chloe Brown, Littlehampton Pretty mental. I think the idea of limitations passed him by. I remember he once stuffed some bible pages in a girl's ass — by her request of course. It's tough when people ask me what's crazy because all that stuff seems so normal when you're wrapped up in a tour. When you're doing bad things every day, it seems natural. 相當神經。我想所謂限制這種概念對他不存在。我記得他有一次把幾頁聖經塞到 一個女孩的屁眼裡—應他的要求,當然。人們問我什麼是瘋狂的時候很難回答, 因為當你埋在巡迴演出的時候一切看起來都如此正常。當你每天做壞事,它就變得自然。 How do you respond to people who say you've toned down your act recently? And do you still feel compelled to be shocking? 你怎麼回應說你最近行事低調的人們?你仍然覺得一定要令人驚駭嗎? Paul Durose, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne I've never considered anything I've done to be shocking. I think it's a real challenge to be shocking when you consider what's going on in the world versus what you can create with your imagination. What's grotesque? What I make up in my head or what's going on in the real world? 我從不覺得我做的任何事情令人驚駭。我想當你思考著世界正在發生什麼事, 以及你可以用想像創造什麼的時候,要驚駭真是個挑戰。什麼是詭態(grotesque)? 什麼是我在腦袋裡做出來的、什麼又發生在現實世界中? I only draw the line of what's unacceptable according to my personal taste, not by what other people judge as acceptable. I do things that suit me and feel right. Things that I wouldn't do? Right now, grow a beard or play an acoustic guitar. Wear jeans onstage, have a bath... those things to me are pretty twisted. 我對於什麼東西無法接受所劃的線只根據我的個人品味,不根據其他人對於 可不可接受的判斷。我做適合我的事,覺得這樣才對。我不會做的事? 此時此刻,留鬍鬚或彈木吉他。在台上穿牛仔褲,洗澡……那些事情對我而言相當邪惡。 If you believe what you read, almost everything wrong in the world is your fault. What's the most ludicrous thing you've been blamed for? 如果你相信你唸的東西,幾乎世界上所有的壞事都是你的錯。 在你曾被譴責的東西裡面,什麼是最荒謬的? Jeff Whomas, Carlisle Besides the Columbine shootings, I guess the guy you mentioned losing his girlfriend because of me is weird. But I don't think I get enough credit for the some of the bad stuff that goes on in the world, which is good. I think recently I've made some pretty bad things happen to people I don't like, because I really believe that you can affect people with the way you feel. 除了 Columbine 槍擊以外,我覺得你說的那個因為我而失去女朋友的傢伙也很不可思議。 但我不認為我有因為世界上發生的壞事而得到足夠的名聲。我想我最近有讓一些 相當壞的事落到我討厭的人頭上,因為我真的相信你可以用你感受的方式影響人們。 For example, if you love somebody then that can affect that person in a positive way. The same can happen if you feel the opposite. That's the basic idea behine witchcraft: nature and applied karma. So recently I've made some bad things happen to people I don't like. These aren't people who you would know. These are people who have attacked me mean spiritedly for no reason and they've gone straight to hell recently. 例如說,如果你愛某個人,這會對那個人有正面的影響。如果你的感覺是相反的 那也一樣。這就是巫術背後的基本觀念:自然以及應用因果。所以我最近有讓一些 相當壞的事落到我討厭的人頭上。不是你會知道的人。是無緣無故苛刻地攻擊我的人, 他們最近都直接下地獄了。 Twiggy Ramirez: what happened? Twiggy Ramirez:發生什麼事了? Graham Lyons, Glasgow Good question. I've seen pictures of him recently and he looks like a completely different person. He wanted to go in a different direction to us and that's fine. I had a lot of ideas about taking our thing up a notch and to make life the album and the tour, much more exciting and decadent. I guess he wanted to do something a lot more conservative. 好問題。我看了他最近的照片,他看起來像是個完全不同的人。他要走和我們 不同的方向,那樣很好。我有一大堆想法,將我們的東西拉高一級,創生專輯 和巡迴表演,要更刺激更頹廢。我猜他要做的是更保守的東西。 The split was amicable and I think there was only ever one argument between us. I think his decision came down to personal stuff, too, like relationships. Ultimately I don't want to speak for him, but I didn't think that he was going to enjoy what we were planning and if he wasn't going to enjoy it, then we weren't going to enjoy it and that would have resulted in a shit job. 我們是在友好的情況下分開的,我想其間只有過一次爭論。我也覺得他的決定 最後變成了私人的事情,就像感情關係。最後我不想要替他說話,但是我覺得 他不會喜歡我們在計畫的東西,而如果他不喜歡那我們也不會喜歡,結果它會 變成一個鳥作品。 Do you regret the meat helmet incident? [where Manson and his bandmates, while on tour, masturbated over a girl whose head was covered in raw meat] 你對肉罩事件後悔嗎?(Manson 和團員在巡迴表演中對一個女孩自慰, 她的頭覆蓋在生肉下) Dave Horsefield, London No, not at all. I would only have regretted it if it was being exploitative or the girl wasn't having a good time, which she was. That would have upset me. I've had bad things happen to me all my life and I try not to be bad to people. I don't go round trying to hurt people for no reason, not that the meat helmet is painful, you understand. 不,完全不會。要我後悔只會是因為這件事是剝削性的或者那個女孩玩得不開心。 那才會令我洩氣。我一生中一直遇到壞事而我試著不要對人們壞。我不會到處去 毫無理由地傷害別人,肉罩並不痛苦,你了解的。 Those pictures you took of your girlfriend, Dita Von Teese, for Playboy — are you uncomfortable with blokes shaking one off over them? 你幫你女朋友 Dita Von Teese 照的那些給 Playboy 的相片— 你對男人在它們前面抽動會不舒服嗎? Hywel Griffiths, London No, and I've never had a problem with that from the beginning. If I did it would have been an unsuccessful relationship. She has to deal with me having sex with security guard's heads and I have to deal with guys getting off over pictures of her. I think it would have been a little harder to deal with if she was a porn star, and I've dated a few in my time. Is it hard to maintain a relationship with a porn star? You don't you just try to maintain an erection. 不會,我從一開始就沒有那種問題。如果我有的話,這會變成一段不成功的關係。 她要接受我和保安人員的頭做愛,而我要接受拿著她的照片在那裡爽的傢伙。 我想如果她是色情明星的話這會有點更難處理,而且我以前的確和一些色情明星約會過。 和色情明星維持一段關係很難嗎?不,你只要保持硬挺就可以了。 How do you end up in Lost Highway? And while we're at it, do you have any idea what was going on in that film? 你怎麼會去拍 Lost Highway?你對這部電影在搞什麼有任何看法嗎? Nick Cull, Wernbley I got a call from David Lynch and he wanted me to do a scence. We got there and he said, "OK, I want you totally naked. Patricia Arquette is going to be there and then I want you to die. I want you to die violently and then you're going to be fucking these girls, but please don't scare them." 我接到 David Lynch 的電話,他要我去演一幕。我們到那裡以後他說,「OK, 我要你全裸。Patricia Arquette 會在那兒,然後我要你死。我要你死得很慘, 然後你要上這些女孩,但請不要嚇到他們。」 So I'm standing there in front of Patricia Arquette naked, which was the worst bit, and I said, "I really liked you in Nightmare On Elm Street 3", and that defused my embarrassment and put it on her. And as for what's going on in that movie, you've got me. 所以我就全裸站在 Patricia Arquette 前面,這是整件事裡最糟糕的部分, 然後我說,「我實在很喜歡你在 Nightmare On Elm Street 3 的演出」, 這就把我的尷尬丟到他身上。至於電影在說什麼,你真的問倒我了。 The Mickey Mouse ears (as seen on last year's Golden Age Of Grotesque tour) — what the hell were you thinking and Disney did ask you to drop them? Mickey Mouse 耳朵(去年 Golden Age Of Grotesque 巡迴演出時所看到的)— 你他媽到底在想什麼,Disney 有要你停止使用那些耳朵嗎? Dave Lee, Aberdeen The key thing was that they're not really Mickey Mouse ears, it's a hat that was made for me, so it wasn't even bought from Disney. The intention is to evoke images of Mickey Mouse, Disney and what that represents in American culture. 重點是它們不是真的米老鼠耳朵,它是頂為我量身訂做的帽子,所以並不是 從 Disney 帶出來的。我們企圖喚起 Mickey Mouse、Disney 的形象, 還有它們在美國文化中代表的東西。 I haven't infringed any Disney copyright because it hasn't been mass marketed for money. I think Disney have a great respect for artists who have used Disney imagery like [Andy] Warhol, [Roy] Lichtenstein and now me. It's good that they respect it as art. 我沒有侵犯到 Disney 的任何著作權,因為它並不是大量行銷以獲利的東西。 我想 Disney 對使用其影像的藝術家有很高的敬意,像是(Andy)Warhol、 (Roy)Lichtenstein、然後現在是我。它們尊重這些藝術,這是件好事。 Do you have a walk-in wardrobe of sex toys? 你有個用來收藏性愛玩具的可走入式衣櫃嗎? Aaron Brown, Winchester I get sent a lot because certain companies would like me to test them out, but I don't because I'm a traditionalist. [Laughs sarcastically] I'm a family man. 很多人要送我因為某些公司希望我測試它們,但我其實沒有,因為我是傳統主義者。 (諷刺地笑)我是個新好男人。 --  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ im not in love but im gonna fuck you til somebody better comes to love im not in love but im gonna fuck you til somebody better comes to fuck me ˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: CREgodfather 來自: (05/03 16:36)

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因為 Manson 是個很妙的人 XD
推 05/03, 5F
文章代碼(AID): #10bcUA9i (M_Manson)
文章代碼(AID): #10bcUA9i (M_Manson)