Re: [問題] 關於hallowed be thy name

看板IronMaiden作者 ( )時間16年前 (2009/02/24 01:18), 編輯推噓7(701)
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※ 引述《john07 (HIAHIAHIA)》之銘言: : 小弟很喜歡這首歌,但是之前一直沒去詳細研究歌詞: : 剛剛終於去歌詞版翻出來看了看,但是因為我現在英文程度實在很爛,居然有看沒有懂.. : 所以請各位指教一下,看能不能大略翻譯或介紹一下這首歌的內容是在講什麼的...... : 跟魔鬼有關嗎?還是........? : 感謝各位!!! 這首歌是描寫了一個囚犯臨行刑前的一系列思想活動, 從開始的麻木、絕望、憤恨,繼而又心生希望, 認為自己將以另外一種形式生存下。 其中,對下面這一句特別有感觸。(充滿著無奈阿) Can it be there's been some sort of an error (難道這中間就沒有絲毫差錯?) 我特愛這首歌的,這是我踏入鐵娘子的第一首歌。 不過有趣的是,第一次接觸,竟是接觸COF版本的, 最後再去找原唱鐵娘子的。XD (個人感覺Dani的黑腔更能詮釋這首歌,而且還頗爽的。) -- 以下是當時在網路上找到的翻譯。 Hallowed Be Thy Name(願爾名見聖) I'm waiting in my cold cell 我在冰冷的牢房等候 when the bell begins to chime 等候鐘聲的鳴響 Reflecting on my past life 回憶著往昔歲月 and it doesn't have much time 而生命已到盡頭 'Cuase at 5 o'clock they take me 因為到五點整 to the Gallows Pole 我就會被帶到絞架旁 The sands of time for me are running low 生命的沙漏已經見底 When the priest comes to read me the last rites 神父來為我做臨終禱告 I take a look through the bars at the last sights 透過欄柵再看一眼 Of a world that has gone very wrong for me 那個承載我荒唐一生的世界 Can it be there's been some sort of an error 難道這中間就沒有絲毫差錯? Hard to stop the surmounting terror 難以克服這樣的恐懼 Is it really the end not some crazy dream 結局就這樣注定而不是一場瘋狂的夢境? Somebody please tell me that I'm dreaming 誰來告訴我這只是一場夢 It's not easy to stop from screaming 無法抑制地開始尖叫 But words escape me when I try to speak 話到嘴邊卻開不了口 Tears they flow but why am I crying? 為何我會這般痛哭流涕? After all am I not afraid of dying 不管怎樣我並不畏懼死亡 Don't believe that there never is an end 要知道這只是遲早的事情 As the guards march me out to the courtyard 守衛把我押送到院子裡去的時候 Someone calls from a cell "God be with you" 一個牢房裡的聲音對我說「主與你同在」 If there's a God then why has he let me die? 如果真有上帝他怎會就這樣看著我去死? As I walk all my life drifts before me 我走著,我的一生在眼前飄過 And though the end is near I'm not sorry 結局已經臨近我也絲毫不覺遺憾 Catch my soul 'cause it's willing to fly away 抓住我的靈魂因它想要飛遠 Mark my words believe my soul lives on 記下我的話我相信靈魂會繼續活著 Don't worry now that I have gone 別再擔心我將去向何方 I've gone beyond to see the truth 我先走一步去見證真理 When you know that your time is close at hand 當你意識到自己時日無多 Maybe then you'll begin to understand 也許你也會開始明白 Life down there is just a strange illusion 生命的終結只是一個古怪的幻覺 Yeah, yeah, yeah, Hallowed be Thy name 願爾名見聖(應該是臨終前對主的呼喚) Yeah, yeah, yeah, Hallowed be Thy name 願爾名見聖 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: blanki 來自: (02/24 01:18)

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