Re: 因為我很無聊阿!

看板ComeOnBayBay作者 (The Radio Dept.)時間15年前 (2009/07/17 18:38), 編輯推噓8(802)
留言10則, 3人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
這樣行嗎? So many things that I don't understand in this world Like how to say good bye with a strong mind I truly believe that we will meet again While every time we meet again So many things that I don't understand in this world Fortunately, you rushed away without any chance for me Unexpectedly and suddenly I thought I would meet you that day What if I keep you on my mind What if I can try not to miss you What if emotions keep sleeping What if we are pure like a sprout (What if we are pure like a nestling) So many things that I don't understand in this world Like why I forgot your face I truly believe that we will meet again While every time we meet again So many things that I don't understand in this world Like you only left some words, letting me sleep I don't know why I'm keen on hugging you at this moment -- Hogzilla意味著種種的可能           並且也可能包括著謊言                    不僅僅只是超級豬 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

07/17 18:39, , 1F
07/17 18:39, 1F

07/18 01:49, , 2F
好感激你ii 我用我自己的英文唸了一次這個翻譯ii
07/18 01:49, 2F

07/18 02:00, , 3F
07/18 02:00, 3F

07/18 02:12, , 4F
07/18 02:12, 4F

07/18 02:15, , 5F
他的第一行 我在亂入哈哈
07/18 02:15, 5F

07/18 02:20, , 6F
翻譯真的很困難 關於這件事真的有很多感想可以說ii
07/18 02:20, 6F

07/18 02:24, , 7F
知難行更難 好sad
07/18 02:24, 7F

07/18 02:32, , 8F
總之倘若是我自己很在意的一首歌 感謝分享 晚安iiii
07/18 02:32, 8F

07/18 02:37, , 9F
07/18 02:37, 9F

07/18 03:50, , 10F
07/18 03:50, 10F
文章代碼(AID): #1AO5J1nq (ComeOnBayBay)
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文章代碼(AID): #1AO5J1nq (ComeOnBayBay)