
看板ComeOnBayBay作者 (阿歐巴馬乾酪)時間15年前 (2009/07/17 12:04), 編輯推噓5(505)
留言10則, 4人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
所以我把倘若翻成了英文 想要讓我們可愛的小jon了解意思 可是翻的超爛 還請阿焙大師賜教!!! in the world many incident I don't understand How can resolute to say goodbye everytime goodbye I am believe is good and we will to see in the world many incident I don't understand Fortunately you fast to go away Dont give me chance then day I unexpectedly suppose I can encounter you supposing I still miss you supposing I cant still miss you supposing feelings continue sleep supposing we was new born bud pure supposing we was new born bird pure in the world many incident I don't understand why I don remember your face everytime goodbye I am believe is good and we will to see in the world many incident I don't understand you stay one speech even if I hibernate at the moment I don no why I want hug you 我的英文程度只有國小六年級 請不要鞭太大力!!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/17 12:18, , 1F
我覺得用if i could會不會比較好壓...
07/17 12:18, 1F

07/17 12:19, , 2F
in the world many incident I don't understand
07/17 12:19, 2F

07/17 12:24, , 3F
there are too much incident to realize in the world
07/17 12:24, 3F

07/17 12:26, , 4F
好像比較順耶 可是用incident好像又怪怪的
07/17 12:26, 4F

07/17 12:27, , 5F
不明所以是for no reason? 算了我英文也爛透了哈哈哈
07/17 12:27, 5F

07/17 12:33, , 6F
哈哈哈晚上回來再鑽研一下這個問題 太難了我從未想過要翻譯
07/17 12:33, 6F

07/17 12:33, , 7F
感謝a oh提出這麼厲害的課題iii
07/17 12:33, 7F

07/17 12:39, , 8F
07/17 12:39, 8F

07/17 12:42, , 9F
07/17 12:42, 9F

07/18 01:35, , 10F
那下次要唱唱看嗎 !!
07/18 01:35, 10F
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