Re: more movies

看板Cate作者 (OK,OK)時間20年前 (2004/05/21 21:49), 編輯推噓0(000)
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※ 引述《katyli (k27)》之銘言: : I didn't get to finish 「奧斯卡與露辛達」, partly because the time it : was on (3AM) and partly because the movie is long. I watched the first : hour and decide to record it since I am already in a sleeping state. : The movie is so long that I didn't even get to record the ending. : Needless to say, I need to rent this movie to watch it again before I comment : on it. 這部電影很長 而且很容易讓人睡覺 @_@ but it's a good movie... : The Missing is so American that I find it sometimes annoying. : The interaction of the Indians and the white people are very stereotypic : to an extent that makes the movie seem shallow. : I do like Cate's acting and the character of the little girl (she is so cool; I'd : wish I was like that when I was four). I felt intrigued by Cate's character, : i.e. what she has been through, why she ends up in the place she is.... : Sadly, the movie didn't address much on it. Probably because the movie : is driven by such a dramatic incident that the depth of the characters is : deprived. Nevertheless, I find the movie entertaining; not the one I end up : thinking about a lot of things, but the one I have good time at. I'm glad that you have a good time. 這部電影融合西部劇與驚悚劇,不過兩方面皆空 談得都不深入,留下了一點娛樂性而已 不過凱特的演出依舊相當搶眼 小女兒已經被譽為「小凱特布蘭琪」 : Heaven is a weird movie. In a sense, it is not a story, but more like a : poem. The cinematography is so beautiful that I sometimes forgot I was : watching a movie. There are so many details refering to religion (which : I am not interested in and have little knowledge about); so I get very little : from the movie (i.e. why did they shave Cate's hair?) I guess there is some : symbolic meaning for it. 凱特剃光頭 應該是為了掩飾自己的身份,怕被人認出來吧(表面的原因!?) : I watched the DVD version and there are some deleted scenes (I like : those scenses, although I agree with the director to cut them off). There is one : blooper that's very funny. It's about the scene Cate went to wash herself. : She didn't control the time well enough so the two actresses came in before : she could hide herself (she was making a funny voice because of that). I was : laughing so hard that I had to watch it several times. : I guess she will feel embarrassed had she watched the DVD herself. 美版的DVD才有 >_< I WANT TO SEE IT!!! Dear katyli, you've seen some important movies in Cate's filmography. Thanks for sharing your treasured feelings with us. Here are some I could recommend: 1. Paradise Road (Cate's Hollywood debut) 2. The Talented Ripley (She stole this show) 3. Bandits (Cate's really really great!) ENJOY! -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:
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