more movies

看板Cate作者 (k27)時間20年前 (2004/05/20 21:29), 編輯推噓0(000)
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I didn't get to finish 「奧斯卡與露辛達」, partly because the time it was on (3AM) and partly because the movie is long. I watched the first hour and decide to record it since I am already in a sleeping state. The movie is so long that I didn't even get to record the ending. Needless to say, I need to rent this movie to watch it again before I comment on it. The Missing is so American that I find it sometimes annoying. The interaction of the Indians and the white people are very stereotypic to an extent that makes the movie seem shallow. I do like Cate's acting and the character of the little girl (she is so cool; I'd wish I was like that when I was four). I felt intrigued by Cate's character, i.e. what she has been through, why she ends up in the place she is.... Sadly, the movie didn't address much on it. Probably because the movie is driven by such a dramatic incident that the depth of the characters is deprived. Nevertheless, I find the movie entertaining; not the one I end up thinking about a lot of things, but the one I have good time at. Heaven is a weird movie. In a sense, it is not a story, but more like a poem. The cinematography is so beautiful that I sometimes forgot I was watching a movie. There are so many details refering to religion (which I am not interested in and have little knowledge about); so I get very little from the movie (i.e. why did they shave Cate's hair?) I guess there is some symbolic meaning for it. I watched the DVD version and there are some deleted scenes (I like those scenses, although I agree with the director to cut them off). There is one blooper that's very funny. It's about the scene Cate went to wash herself. She didn't control the time well enough so the two actresses came in before she could hide herself (she was making a funny voice because of that). I was laughing so hard that I had to watch it several times. I guess she will feel embarrassed had she watched the DVD herself. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:
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