[留言] 120507-120513 官推整理

看板BTOB作者 (馬特)時間12年前 (2012/05/15 02:05), 編輯推噓3(301)
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翻譯PTT BTOBφplumageonly (感謝kawis/nozomi21wt協助) 120507 https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/199233720954273792 (05:26) 明天...不對 是今天了阿 keke 今天的StudioC 誰會來看呢?! keke 太陽已經升起了!晚安!~Peniel~ https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/199233929595719681 (05:27) Who's gonna come watch us at Studio C tmrrw?..oh it's today :P who's coming? Ah the sun has risen..Gotta sleep! Good night everyone!~Peniel~ https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/199245611151798272 (06:13) 今天一整天都加油吧!A-ZA! https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/199245936688504833 (06:13) 阿 對了 名字...BTOB的昌燮! 120508 https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/199544587835019264 (02:01) 媽媽爸爸我愛你們 -星材- https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/199580439025954816 (04:24) 大家好!我們今天的Studio C如何? keke 為了看我們而來的人好像很多 keke 謝謝!^_^ 還有 媽媽!爸爸雖然不用推特,但是我相信姐姐會拿給你們看的!我愛你們! 還有在這個世界上最喜歡的親姐姐,寶英姐姐生日快樂 我愛你!!~Peniel~ https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/199580755213565953 (04:25) https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/199581044389851137 https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/199581093261869056 Hi! how did we do at Studio C today? seemed liek alot of people came to watch us..right?? hehe xP thanks so much! ^^ and mom and dad!you guys dont' twitter but i trust that 寶英姐姐 will show you the tweet! happy parent's day! i love you guys (:. and also happy birthday to the best sister in the world!! happy birthday寶英姐姐! I Love You!~Peniel~ https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/199584213266214914 (04:39) @AB_EXID 阿 還有!EXID 忙內!朴貞華!yo woman~keke 生日快樂!!祝你度過美好的一天^^ https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/199584226985775104 (04:39) @AB_EXID EXID's Youngest Member Park Junghwa! Yo Woman haha~~ happy birhtday! I hope you have a good day! :D https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/199590358663958528 (05:03) 充滿活力的早晨 BTOB的昌燮將會祈禱^^ 我們大家一起加油吧!! https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/199590850676789248 (05:05) 還有因為今天是父母節,大家要以總是很感恩的心獻給父母康乃馨^^ 不要忘了家人是第一順位!!!!!!!!!! BTOB 昌燮 https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/199746069846958080 (15:22) (旼赫)在天氣晴朗的午後!!和可愛的弟弟 老么弟弟一起~^o^ 因為是父母節 要和父母說聲我愛你喔^^? http://yfrog.com/nv46qmrj http://yfrog.com/mgn7jyaj https://twitter.com/#!/cubeunited/status/199774047733678080 (17:13) RT cubeunited BTOB來到高中了!!收到充滿BTOB愛的康乃馨了嗎? 實踐家族愛的大使將會繼續宣傳溫暖的父母節!! http://pic.twitter.com/mTfq1wFb 120509 https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/199880863398363136 (00:18) 大家好! 我們今天為了父母節的特別行程而來! 結束後吃了第一次嚐到的鍋巴燉雞肉湯 真的好好吃!>_< 大家父母節都做了什麼呢? ~Peniel~ https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/199881249416949761 (00:19) https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/199881268316479488 Hello~ we had a special schedule today for parent's day! after we finished I had 鍋巴燉雞肉湯 for the first time! It was so good! >_< what did everyone do for parent's day?~Peniel~ https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/199950018327756802 (04:52) 練習結束回到宿舍後洗完澡躺在床上了! keke 明天只有旼赫哥和星材有行程... 所以我明天整天都要練習!還有!!等一下就該睡了!! hehe 阿!還有!A Pink前輩們的專輯今天發行了!請多多支持與喜愛!~Peniel~ https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/199950218572210177 (04:53) https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/199950236842602497 Washed up and laying in bed now~旼赫哥 and 星材 are the only ones that have schedule tmrrw so.. practice all day for me! think im' gonna sleep soon xP oh! and A Pink前輩們's new album came out today!! please support and love it a lot!! ^_^~Peniel~ https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/199982277634162688 (07:01) 今天一整天也都會加油 大家 A-za A-za!!! BTOB 昌燮 120510 https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/200266469488074752 (01:50) (旼赫)父母節的特別活動影片已經放上官方Youtube了^^ 全都一起去看看吧~~~! https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/200311030751047681 (04:47) 現在已經洗完躺下了!今天天氣本來非常熱 現在因為是晚上轉涼了... 大家小心不要感冒了! 我們明天有MCD 會來看吧?? hehe 再聽一下音樂就要睡了!大家晚安~Peniel~ Just washed up and laying down now~ today's weather was really hot then got sorta chilly at night Be careful not to catch a cold everyone! Hehe :P we're performing at MCD tmrrw! You're gonna come watch right? ^^ gonna listen to music then head to bed! Good night!~Peniel~ https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/200333564741550080 (06:16) 今天天氣非蟬(常)好 變得好想吃紫菜包飯...今灘(天)一整天也加油^^ *這則應該是昌燮發的,原文是用可愛的發音寫的,我只好配合他... https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/200461098384764928 (14:43) (星材)嗚哇.今天MCD很令人期待~~~!!多多的來看吧!!! https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/200584830625394689 (22:55) 今天第一次看到我們父親初放的各位?!? hehe 如何? keke MCD結束後回到宿舍小憩一下 現在正等著要上舞蹈課~ 睡前還會再推特的!^^ 再見!~Peniel~ Who saw our first live performance of Father today?!?! How was it? Hehe after MCD we rested a bit at 宿舍 and now we're waiting for our dance lesson to start~ ill tweet again before I sleep! Bye! ~Peniel~ 120511 https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/200656622173958145 (03:40) 好想養貓ΠΠ可愛吧ΠΠ(星材) http://pic.twitter.com/ZHRqNhK5 https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/200682100997894144 (05:21) 剛洗完在整理音樂!keke 明天沒辦法去音銀好可惜ΠΠ 代替的是!!A Pink前輩們和4Minute前輩們 請多多支持!^^ 明天沒有行程所以我明天也是一整天練習ΠΠ keke 趕快整理完音樂就該睡了! 大家晚安 ~Peniel~ Just washed up and organizing music! I'm so sad we can't perform on music bank tmrrw :( but instead! Cheer on A Pink前輩們 and 4Minute前輩們! ^^ I don't have any schedule tmrrw so practice all day for me again TT haha gonna hurry up organizing my music then head to bed! Good night!~Peniel~ 120512 https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/200998979796869121 (02:21) 我們父母節影片part2出來了!,請多多觀看!^^ hehe 我們現在回到宿舍了! 正在等著洗澡!明天因為有音中 要快點睡才行! 晚安!~Peniel~ http://youtu.be/TsPRD38_FGA
https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/200999926182850560 (02:24) Please watch our parents day 2nd video! :) just got in and waiting to wash up~ we have 音中 tmrrw! ^^ good night!~Peniel~ http://youtu.be/TsPRD38_FGA
120513 https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/201351607739355136 (01:42) 大家好!明天因為要早起就早點回來了!keke 明天誰會來看人歌呢?!?hehe 在韓國雖然有父母節 但是在美國母親節和父親節是分開的! 母親節總是在五月的第二個星期日~ 雖然在芝加哥還沒有到周日 但現在韓國已經是周日了! 媽媽! 母親節快樂!! 我愛你!<3 ~Peniel~ Hey! We have to wake up early tmrrw so we came in early. Who's gonna come watch us at 人歌?! Hehe In Korea they have parents' day but in America they celebrate mother and fathers day separately! Mothers day is every 2nd Sunday of may! In Chicago it's not Sunday yet but in Korea it is! Haha happy mothers day mom! I love you!,!~Peniel~ https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/201511258632097794 (12:16) (旼赫)我們現在在美容室~又睏又餓ΤΤ但是已經訂了餐了keke 大家好好享用午餐吧!^.^ -- ┌┐┌──┬──┬──┬─┬┬──┬──┬──┬──┬──┬──┐┌┐ ┌┼┤│ □ │ │ □ │ │ │ │ □ │ ┤ □ │ │├┼┐ ┌┼┼┤│ ┤ □ │ ┤ ├┐┌┤ □ │ ┤ │ ├┐┌┘├┼┼┐ BTOB│ □ │ │├┐│ ││││ │ □ │ ┤┌┐│││ ψMart └┴┴┘└──┴──┴┘└┴┴─┘└┘└──┴──┴──┴┘└┘└┘ └┴┴┘ 901122恩光|901129旼赫|910226昌燮|920307炫植|930310東根|941004鎰勳|950502星材 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/15 20:00, , 1F
05/15 20:00, 1F

05/15 20:00, , 2F
05/15 20:00, 2F

05/15 20:11, , 3F
真的很多話 覺得要是一人一個推特一定吵到不行XDDDDDDD
05/15 20:11, 3F

05/15 23:36, , 4F
05/15 23:36, 4F
文章代碼(AID): #1FiKbMhh (BTOB)
文章代碼(AID): #1FiKbMhh (BTOB)