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看板suede作者 (少根筋)時間11年前 (2013/01/07 19:35), 編輯推噓14(1402)
留言16則, 13人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Suede have given fans new song 'Barriers' as a free download today (Jan 7). The track is the first to be heard from the band's brand new studio album, which will be titled 'Bloodsports'. 'Bloodsports' will be Suede's sixth studio album and their first since 2002. 'Barriers' is the first song to be lifted from the album, due out in March, and is available from their official website now. An official single, titled 'It Starts And Ends With You', is due for release in February. 下載處 http://suedebarriers.viinyl.com/ 來源:NME 完整原文 http://ppt.cc/myG2 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/07 19:47, , 1F
01/07 19:47, 1F

01/07 20:17, , 2F
樓上我真的很常看到你ID欸XD 在各板都會看到(握手)
01/07 20:17, 2F

01/07 20:22, , 3F
01/07 20:22, 3F

01/07 21:21, , 4F
01/07 21:21, 4F

01/07 22:18, , 5F
01/07 22:18, 5F

01/07 22:41, , 6F
01/07 22:41, 6F

01/07 23:13, , 7F
01/07 23:13, 7F

01/08 20:32, , 8F
01/08 20:32, 8F

01/08 21:34, , 9F
http://ppt.cc/vHid 新專3/18出!
01/08 21:34, 9F

01/08 22:02, , 10F
01/08 22:02, 10F

01/08 22:04, , 11F
01/08 22:04, 11F

01/08 22:09, , 12F

01/08 22:39, , 13F
01/08 22:39, 13F

01/09 20:40, , 14F
01/09 20:40, 14F

01/12 18:21, , 15F
01/12 18:21, 15F

01/13 04:12, , 16F
01/13 04:12, 16F
文章代碼(AID): #1GwhCA0i (suede)
文章代碼(AID): #1GwhCA0i (suede)