Re: [閒聊] 這團主唱外表和聲音都讓我連想到Brian

看板placebo作者 (My dad is not a phone!)時間14年前 (2010/06/12 12:04), 編輯推噓3(302)
留言5則, 4人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
※ 引述《hnvivien (han)》之銘言: : 無意中看到這個 :
: Dream City Film Club 的 If I Die, I Die : 主唱讓我連想到Brian : 聲音感覺有一點點像 : 外表也是 : 不知道大家覺得像不像 ? : 覺得這首歌還滿好聽的 這個團有跟Brian合唱過喔!
Dream City Film Club feat Brian Molko - Some Some like to dream Some like to live Some like to take Some like to give Some take enough Some take it all Some will rise And some will fall Some like it tight Some like it loose Some need a reason Some need no excuse Some like it dirty Some like it clean Some like it tender And some like it lean Some fuck for fun Some for prestige Some come on their feet (and) Some come on their knees Some say they're bent Some say they're straight Some come early And some come late I'm taking some Now I'm taking some .... -- since I was born I started to decay. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

06/12 17:43, , 1F
cool :P
06/12 17:43, 1F

06/12 18:42, , 2F
06/12 18:42, 2F

08/20 01:46, , 3F
他們還有張專輯叫in the cold light of morning,
08/20 01:46, 3F

08/20 01:47, , 4F
08/20 01:47, 4F

08/21 12:54, , 5F
!! 難不成meds的in the cold light of morning跟他們有關
08/21 12:54, 5F
文章代碼(AID): #1C4mTCzN (placebo)
文章代碼(AID): #1C4mTCzN (placebo)