[情報] bfts deluxe box set

看板placebo作者 (EngelF)時間15年前 (2010/05/07 23:04), 編輯推噓10(1006)
留言16則, 7人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
有買bfts deluxe box set的捧油~~~ 你們盒子裡那片空白光碟片有東西可以燒了。 For anyone who bought the beautiful very limited edition BATTLE FOR THE SUN Deluxe Box Set, we have the exclusive LIVE tracks for the bonus CD mastered. We will be contacting you very soon, to let you know how to get yours. If you bought via the PLACEBOWORLD online store, then we already have your email. If you bought in a shop, and you haven't already, go to PLACEBOWORLD.co.uk and 'register your box set' Not got your copy yet? Don't worry there is still time to get one here, and be eligible for the free download album: http://placebostore.sandbag.uk.com/Store/index2.html 所以有買有註冊的注意一下email啦, 有買沒註冊的趕快去官網註冊, 還沒買的...... 這邊當然要很邪惡的附上online store網址阿~~~ http://placebostore.sandbag.uk.com/Store/index2.html -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/07 23:13, , 1F
太久了 都忘記到底自己註冊過了沒.... orz
05/07 23:13, 1F

05/07 23:14, , 2F
05/07 23:14, 2F

05/07 23:56, , 3F
05/07 23:56, 3F

05/08 02:10, , 4F
QQ好貴喔~ 好想買
05/08 02:10, 4F

05/09 01:05, , 5F
一直都很想買 內容物實在太誘人!!可是一看到價位就...囧
05/09 01:05, 5F

05/09 02:12, , 6F
之前聖誕節好像有特價..... (遠目)
05/09 02:12, 6F

05/12 22:43, , 7F
我想問一下有人收到e-mail了嗎? 都好幾天了還沒回應...
05/12 22:43, 7F

05/12 22:52, , 8F
05/12 22:52, 8F

05/12 22:53, , 9F
"請耐心等"~XD [原文:(略...)It will be soon, we
05/12 22:53, 9F

05/12 22:53, , 10F
have just received the tracks and we will now sort
05/12 22:53, 10F

05/12 22:54, , 11F
out the hosting and download for everyone.
05/12 22:54, 11F

05/12 22:54, , 12F
please be patient]
05/12 22:54, 12F

05/21 20:13, , 14F
有最新消息喔~ 曲目等等的!! 下星期就會陸續開放下載拉~~~~
05/21 20:13, 14F

05/21 20:15, , 15F
當然官網還是沒忘記附上online store的直接連結XDD
05/21 20:15, 15F

05/27 23:13, , 16F
05/27 23:13, 16F
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