Re: [心得] 我還是比較喜歡老steve......

看板placebo作者 (...)時間15年前 (2010/02/11 11:53), 編輯推噓17(17018)
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剛好標題很適合 就直接pop板上舊文章了 請見諒 XD - 最近因為在複習舊歌 又勾起了對老Steve時期的懷念 其實當時老Steve離團時也沒有想這麼多 活跳蝦在新專輯中的表現也開了不錯的新氣象 一直到最近才開始仔細聽兩個Steve打舊歌的差異 Sleeping with Ghosts Hewitt07
(基調還在 雖然整個感覺還是不一樣了) Twenty Years Hewitt07
(整個重編 這還叫Twenty Years嗎? 來 麗紅 哩供跨買! QQ ) 原本還想比比看 Running Up That Hill cover 但是在Youtube找不到新的(所以活跳蝦沒打過這首歌?) 總之老Steve那慢慢鋪陳的沉鬱鼓點大概是永遠不復見了... - 板上對於老Steve離開的討論好像並不多 不過很多篇訪談還是看得出當時拆夥的情況 基本上是不歡而散的 雖然官網公布時是含蓄的不得了: Brian Molko commented "Being in a band is very much like being in a marriage, and in couples - in this case a triple - people can grow apart over the years. To say that you don't love your partner anymore is inaccurate, considering all that you've been through and achieved together. There simply comes a point when you realize that you want different things from your relationship and that you can no longer live under the same roof, so to speak." 但是有幾篇訪談講得就明了,先看Brian說法(簡略翻譯) Molko, who speaks French because he was brought up the son of a banker in Luxembourg, said the trio almost split on tour after the 2006 release of their previous album "Meds", due to disputes with British drummer Steve Hewitt, and despite growing sales. Meds發行之後就幾乎要鬧翻了, 雖然銷量很好, 但與老Steve已經爭執不斷 "The bigger we got the more we broke up on the inside," said the lead singer of a band that has chalked up 10 million album sales worldwide. "外界看起來越紅, 內部就分裂得越嚴重" "We'd talk less and less, we'd lost any idea of friendship, of being united against the world. It was depressing, it'd become a job. We weren't a band any longer, we were a brand." "彼此之間越來越少講話, 友誼與兄弟的概念已不復存. 令人沮喪, 演出變成只是工作, 我們不再是樂團, 而只是一個品牌" That was when he and Olsdal decided to replace Hewitt, who joined in 1996, by young US drummer Steve Forrest. 所以他和Olsdal決定撤換1996年入團的Hewitt, 由活跳蝦接手 "It was quite sad, it was a difficult decision but it was necessary for the survival of the band." "這是個難過且困難, 但為了讓placebo繼續活下去不得不這樣做的決定" "For Stefan and I the band was the most important thing, but for the old drummer it was what happened off-stage," Molko said. "Stefan and I had a unique connection because we created the band, and Placebo wouldn't exist without me or him." "對Stefan和我來說, 這個團是最重要的東西, 但對於前鼓手來說這些並不是台上發生的事 (應該是指Hewitt下台後就完全不在意這個團)" "Stefan和我之間有一些特別的連結, 因為 這個團是我們創的, placebo如果沒有他或是我就都不會存在" Q:I had friends that saw different dates of that 2007 Projekt Revolution tour. Some of them said, "They just owned it; Placebo just completely owned it." Then there were others who said, "You know, they phoned it in." Was that the tour that kind of widened the stress fractures between you and Steve Hewitt? Q:2007的Projekt Revolution tour連外人都看得出有問題了, 你和Steve Hewitt的嫌隙是 否在那次tour中愈發擴大? A:Yeah, very much so. There were times when we phoned it in, but that was because we were people who were onstage together, and we hadn't said a word to each other in fucking months. It was very difficult to feel a sense of unity at that point. We were just like, "We can't continue this way. It can't be like this anymore." The frustration, the disappointment, the lack of brotherhood and camaraderie. It was quite painful, but we had all these commitments to fulfill, and so we weren't going to shirk away from that. It was a tough time, but that Projekt Revolution tour was the death knell for what we call Placebo Mk. II, and now we're in Placebo Mk. III. Long may it last. A:可以這麼說. 我們那時通過電話, 但那完全是為了台上表演而準備, 我們甚至已經有天 殺的好幾個月都沒有說過話了. 你很難感受到任何一點點我們是一個群體的感覺. 情況就 像是 "我們不能再這樣下去了" 沮喪與失望, 缺乏兄弟與同志情誼. 很痛苦, 但是我們都 還有努力得付出, 我們不會因為這樣就逃避工作. 那是段艱苦的時期, 但是 Projekt Revolution tour就是所謂 Placebo Mk. II 的喪鐘了, 我們現在是 Placebo Mk. III 板上精華區翻到的網站可以看到Stefan的看法是一致的 Q:可以說明自由是指?還有怎麼在專輯中顯現? S:嗯...當前任鼓手(竟然不叫名字,稱前鼓手.....)與我們的關係已走到盡頭,我們不溝通 、不一起寫歌,連待在一起都不想,這不是一個樂團該有的。演變成就像砸毀一個時鐘般 混亂,但這不在預料中。因此我和已創團合作15年的Brian坐下來談,告訴對方:『我們 要把這些鳥事導回正軌。』我們作了一些很痛心但很必須的決定,而且像以前一起寫歌時 開始創作,我們覺得我們真的很喜歡創作,即便經歷一些難熬的階段,但Placebo不會就 這樣毀滅,反而像是找到解藥一般。所以我們找來了這位金髮男孩。(Stefan邊笑邊看著 Steve,Steve很開心的回看。) Q:所以Battle For The Sun創造了新的章節? S:是的。將來也會越來越光明。我不再在驚恐中醒來,很樂於跟他們一起工作,相較之下 ,之前的經驗卻很痛苦不堪。 - 逝者已矣,來者可追 只是把這幾天翻到的資料和大家分享 還是期待 3/13 Placebo@TICC啦!! :) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

02/11 12:18, , 1F
可是活跳蝦把PLACEBO當作GREEN DAY來打 讓我好痛苦...
02/11 12:18, 1F

02/11 12:30, , 2F
02/11 12:30, 2F

02/11 12:31, , 3F
02/11 12:31, 3F

02/11 13:03, , 4F
我也好懷念以前的鼓... 現在的鼓不管怎麼聽 自己的情緒
02/11 13:03, 4F

02/11 13:03, , 5F
02/11 13:03, 5F

02/11 13:06, , 6F
實在非常想再聽到以前的Twenty Years阿~~~
02/11 13:06, 6F

02/11 14:13, , 7F
02/11 14:13, 7F

02/11 14:16, , 8F
02/11 14:16, 8F

02/11 15:23, , 9F
嗯 整體走向應該是Brian和Stefan定的 活跳蝦如果去打沉鬱
02/11 15:23, 9F

02/11 15:24, , 10F
走法也不符合他的個人風格~ 只是想到老Steve很懷念而已 XD
02/11 15:24, 10F

02/11 17:04, , 11F
02/11 17:04, 11F

02/11 20:14, , 12F
02/11 20:14, 12F

02/11 20:29, , 13F
02/11 20:29, 13F

02/11 21:14, , 14F
老steve 的確比較能詮釋憂鬱的感覺 不過小steve也提供
02/11 21:14, 14F

02/11 21:15, , 15F
placebo 新的風格啊~~
02/11 21:15, 15F

02/12 09:28, , 16F
02/12 09:28, 16F

02/12 11:17, , 17F
活跳蝦也沒那麼差吧 毀掉一個團? 太誇張了
02/12 11:17, 17F

02/12 15:59, , 18F
02/12 15:59, 18F

02/12 16:00, , 19F
多打一個e||| 尊重每個人的想法囉。
02/12 16:00, 19F

02/12 16:03, , 20F
02/12 16:03, 20F

02/15 02:35, , 21F
說實話 覺得鼓手不是大重點 曲風和Brian的聲音比較重要
02/15 02:35, 21F

02/18 15:09, , 22F
02/18 15:09, 22F

02/18 16:18, , 23F
02/18 16:18, 23F

02/18 18:43, , 24F
02/18 18:43, 24F

02/18 18:44, , 25F
02/18 18:44, 25F

02/18 18:58, , 26F
Bri也說過很滿意現在的狀態 他們的新氣象XD
02/18 18:58, 26F

02/21 19:11, , 27F
02/21 19:11, 27F

02/22 13:52, , 28F
百憂解生效了 歌都變快樂了
02/22 13:52, 28F

02/24 22:16, , 29F
新鼓手為百憂解注入全新活力 重點是他們三個是好夥伴 可以
02/24 22:16, 29F

02/24 22:17, , 30F
一同創作 這樣我們歌迷們才有源源不絕的新歌可以聽阿
02/24 22:17, 30F

02/24 22:18, , 31F
02/24 22:18, 31F

02/24 22:19, , 32F
02/24 22:19, 32F

02/24 22:20, , 33F
最怕的就是老團的風格一成不變 或是就是只是那樣
02/24 22:20, 33F

03/13 00:39, , 34F
03/13 00:39, 34F

03/14 20:58, , 35F
聽完live之後 就覺得只要是high歌 活跳蝦都好適合~ XD
03/14 20:58, 35F
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文章代碼(AID): #1BStzFKV (placebo)