[新聞] 艾希頓庫奇為麥莉護航

看板YoungArtist (新生代演員)作者 (我是性感喬巴。)時間15年前 (2010/05/17 05:07), 編輯推噓8(809)
留言17則, 9人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
我以前不是很喜歡麥莉 但我覺得Can't Be Tamed超讚的 MV只是耍性感 又沒有到很誇張很暴露或是很猥褻 真的沒必要對她這麼嚴厲批評吧 http://ppt.cc/k-Hs Kutcher: 'Don't judge Miley Cyrus' (Saturday May 15, 2010 03:26 AM) Ashton Kutcher has waded into the debate over Miley Cyrus' controversial dirty dancing video - insisting critics shouldn't judge the teenager too harshly. The Hannah Montana star hit headlines this week when footage from the wrap party of her movie The Last Song appeared online. The racy clip, filmed last year when Cyrus was aged just 16, shows the singer/actress grinding up against 44-year-old Hollywood producer Adam Shankman on the dancefloor. Cyrus' father Billy Ray shrugged off the clip, insisting it's "what people her age do," but his defence of his daughter has failed to curb criticism of the star's behaviour. CNN host Rick Sanchez commented on the scandal during his Rick's List TV show, insisting Cyrus could be seen as a negative role model for young children, adding: "That's troublesome. And just the physicality of it alone and the fact that she's 16 years old. And this isn't posing for a Hollywood magazine or a picture... (If she was my daughter she) would be dragged (out), and I don't care if it's kicking and screaming for behaving that way." But Sanchez's comments have infuriated Kutcher, who has taken to his Twitter page to defend the 17 year old. In a series of posts, he writes, "Ur (sic) comments on Miley are completely unwarranted. She's 17... Judgment is unbecoming. I think it's important to think about the context of the event she was at. It's not like she was at a club with some stranger." He went on to post a link to an article about child sex trafficking, adding that if Sanchez wants to "report about exploitation of teenagers (he should) report on this." -- 食字維生http://www.wretch.cc/blog/braveshsu -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/17 12:05, , 1F
說到這 我覺得愛許頓越來越成熟了 雖然在銀幕上
05/17 12:05, 1F

05/17 12:05, , 2F
還是不脫搞笑形象 但是私下也會投身公益活動 也難怪
05/17 12:05, 2F

05/17 12:06, , 3F
05/17 12:06, 3F

05/17 12:11, , 4F
我覺得其實他說得沒錯 這個年紀的美國女生很多都是這樣
05/17 12:11, 4F

05/17 12:11, , 5F
但也許因為她還是disney的明星 所以父母怕給小孩負面影響吧
05/17 12:11, 5F

05/17 12:12, , 6F
05/17 12:12, 6F

05/17 13:42, , 7F
05/17 13:42, 7F

05/17 14:34, , 8F
童星長大要轉型 好像一定要炒這種新聞...她過的健康開心
05/17 14:34, 8F

05/17 14:34, , 9F
05/17 14:34, 9F

05/17 16:59, , 10F
05/17 16:59, 10F

05/17 17:02, , 11F
05/17 17:02, 11F

05/17 17:02, , 12F
05/17 17:02, 12F

05/17 17:03, , 13F
05/17 17:03, 13F

05/20 10:06, , 14F
推 教育是父母的責任。
05/20 10:06, 14F

05/23 20:19, , 15F
麥莉應該是要脫離孟漢娜的身分吧 (不過我覺得有點難吧)
05/23 20:19, 15F

06/12 21:53, , 16F
06/12 21:53, 16F

06/12 21:54, , 17F
06/12 21:54, 17F
文章代碼(AID): #1By5vyqM (YoungArtist)
文章代碼(AID): #1By5vyqM (YoungArtist)