[NEWS] Whitney's Memorial Service!!!!!!!!!!

看板Whitney作者 (ADIDAS)時間13年前 (2012/02/18 13:22), 編輯推噓8(8013)
留言21則, 9人參與, 最新討論串1/4 (看更多)
Information about the Whitney Houston Memorial Service FEBRUARY 17, 2012 This Saturday, February 18th, the Houston family will celebrate the life of Whitney Houston. They ask that we all come together to remember Whitney and invite you to view the memorial service online. Click here to visit the Associated Press LiveStream Channel. We all have wonderful memories of Whitney & Saturday will be a day for us to honor the woman that touched so many people around the world. We ask you to join us in honoring her spirit by changing your profile pictures to an image you love of Whitney Houston. In lieu of flowers or gifts, the Houston family has requested that donations be made to the Whitney Houston Academy of Creative and Performing Arts. Click here to learn how you can make a donation. http://www.whitneyhouston.com/ AP Live: http://www.livestream.com/aplive 今晚終於要跟惠妮說再見了~~~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/18 13:59, , 1F
美東週六中午 12:00 = 台灣週六半夜 1:00
02/18 13:59, 1F

02/18 14:27, , 2F
02/18 14:27, 2F

02/18 18:25, , 3F
02/18 18:25, 3F

02/18 21:31, , 4F
02/18 21:31, 4F

02/18 21:31, , 5F
02/18 21:31, 5F

02/18 22:17, , 6F
02/18 22:17, 6F

02/19 00:06, , 7F
CNN特別報導 @ 12:00
02/19 00:06, 7F

02/19 00:06, , 8F
惠妮告別式 @ 1:00
02/19 00:06, 8F

02/19 00:10, , 9F
02/19 00:10, 9F

02/19 00:54, , 10F
沒想到這一天會來的這麼快~~~ >.<
02/19 00:54, 10F

02/19 01:00, , 11F
02/19 01:00, 11F

02/19 01:02, , 12F
02/19 01:02, 12F

02/19 01:08, , 13F
AP 轉播有人能幫忙錄下來嗎???
02/19 01:08, 13F

02/19 01:14, , 14F
02/19 01:14, 14F

02/19 01:14, , 15F
02/19 01:14, 15F

02/19 01:14, , 16F
就是加入黑人唱詩班耶~~~ >.< (羞)
02/19 01:14, 16F

02/19 02:44, , 17F
那樓上加入了嘛? 我也想要去唱唱看~感覺很歡樂!!!
02/19 02:44, 17F

02/19 04:19, , 18F
02/19 04:19, 18F

02/22 11:22, , 19F
樓上是想跟黑人教友亂搞吧 >.<
02/22 11:22, 19F

02/22 11:23, , 20F
不過當天 BeBe 應該是最感人的一段了 >.<
02/22 11:23, 20F

02/22 11:23, , 21F
CeCe 也超會唱 >.<
02/22 11:23, 21F
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文章代碼(AID): #1FFpMM2X (Whitney)