[法蘭] Moon-day

看板Travis作者 (咪噢)時間17年前 (2008/02/23 14:18), 編輯推噓1(102)
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  http://tinyurl.com/2vvzto Posted Jan 07 2008 20:43PM Ouch. Went to the dentist this morning. Was woken by Clay saying "Papa. Papa. Papa. Papa. Papa. Papa. Papa. Papa. Papa. Papa. Papa... " I think he must have said it 30 times. A very nice way to wake up. So anyways, the dentist. He is a very good dentist. His grandfather was one. His father was one and now he is one. I haven't had any work done on my teeth for 20 years and until 2 years ago, hadn't been near a dental surgery for 18 years. I had a bad experience as a really young kid. I think I maybe was 2 or 3 or 4?? anyways that particular dentist was pulling out a tooth and pulled off a bit of my upper lip as well, enough to leave a small scar. The amount of blood was outrageous. I have feared the dental chair ever since. Today I had to have a filling redone. The injection was painful but then it was fine. We played out that song "Friends". It turned out excellent. Fits in with the rest. All the parts are perfect. Drums, bass, guitar parts. I even got to use a cool pedal I bought last month. Everything just slipped into place. Ahhh... Also, I bought a white board at Staples, to make a chart of what needs doing and what's been done. It looks like we mean business. And we do. ----- 在官網上看到這篇日記覺得非常可愛,那麼大的人還怕看牙醫: P 噢對了,法蘭幫他兒子取名叫Clay。那樣的起床方式真幸福~ 另外來離題一下馬克杯和T-shirt團購的事情,有勇者要來開團嗎XD 轉英搖板看能不能湊更多人, 不過如果真的要團購是否要去代買板找人代購呢? 有人研究過怎麼買加運費最划算嗎XD http://tinyurl.com/3b8pwo -- 即便是當我脫下這件球衣,紅黑的條紋依然會印在我的身上。 ...Paolo Maldini -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

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