[情報] Tori和Spinner.com訪談新合約

看板ToriAmos作者 (同志單親爸爸)時間15年前 (2008/12/05 08:45), 編輯推噓4(4013)
留言17則, 5人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Tori Amos Inks New Deal, Eyes Spring/Summer Release by Jessica Robertson December 4, 2008 “I have a game plan,” Tori Amos told Spinner after her deal with Epic Records, which yielded three studio albums, ended earlier this year. It’s about partnering now, instead of being a horse in a stable. Not that that’s a negative thing, but then you’re totally dependent on who’s in charge. If they leave — and I’ve been under contract now for over 22 years — then you might be stuck with somebody who doesn’t feed their horses.” And Amos, no doubt, is hungry. To that end, the singer-songwriter just inked a joint venture deal with Universal Republic Records, and has set a late spring/early summer release date for her tenth album — the follow-up to 2007’s ‘American Doll Posse.’ The new effort will feature a video component corresponding to each song, with footage shot over the past year. “There are 360 deals going on — that’s not my interest,” Amos said. “I don’t want to do that because these are my children, my songs. And to me, you’re just handing over your art. As far as partnering though, it’s very different. That means that you’re in a venture together. I’ve learned that it’s easy to throw your hands up and throw all your toys out of the crib, and just say ‘I ain’t playing.’ But things are changing and there are real breaks in the road. If you can see them coming, you can say, ‘Alright, I’m going to be more of a designer in my life.’ It’s upon us now in the music industry, if you’re out of a deal, you can chart your own course, but you have to choose wisely. And I have to choose based on what I know will inspire me to get up in the morning and still play my instrument.” Meanwhile, as for the long-standing rumor that Amos is done with world tours, she sheds a little bit of light. “Well, I said that when I was at a point when I was beginning my [label] battle,” Amos explained. “And you can say things in the heat of the moment. That tour [‘American Doll Posse’] was a six month-long one. It’s a long time, and [daughter] Tash was out of school at the time — yes, with a teacher. That was hard on her. Those kinds of tours I can’t do while she’s at this stage. Once she’s out of the stage, I don’t know where I’ll be — age-wise, health-wise —you just don’t know. So, I can see myself playing dates, but it would be on a much shorter level. During summer or during breaks that aren’t so long, because we take her with us. We have to — we’re a family.” 所以大概是談到, 和環球牽的約(並非一般唱片合約, 而) 是一項共同投資案. 會離開Epic的原因還是因為當初有遠見的主管離開的關係 (按:指得應該就是把Tori簽進Epic的Polly Anthony. ) 唱片合約天天都有, 但Tori想要的是一種能繼續她的創作生命的合作關係. (畢竟在the beekeeper發行後Tori就有說過, Polly Anthony離開後接手的主管 大概滿腦子祇想著賺錢而已, 況且, 各位有看過一場在為宣傳新專輯的巡迴演唱上 卻幾乎不去碰新專輯的主打歌的嗎?) (又, 今年三月起, Epic以及Columbia都簽給日本公司管理了, 足見營運上並不樂觀) 文後記者又問到之前對於之後將停止巡迴演唱的傳聞. Tori則解釋到她那些發言是在 合約轉換時的發言. 但她也提到因為女兒Tash已經開始上學了, 上次ADP的tour她們帶著 女兒到處跑還得帶著一位老師一起巡迴, 但中斷學校教育對女兒還是種蠻痛苦的事情. 所以將來或許勢必得選在暑假或是放假的時候來巡迴, 而時間沒辦法那麼長. 因為她們勢必帶著女兒一起巡迴, 因為是一家人的緣故. 果然Tori也和Suzanne Vega一樣為了小孩而必須有些改變:) 不過至少同樣是獅子座媽媽, Tori不會像Madonna一樣努力地給小孩奇怪的卡巴拉夢魘哩. 但是話說回來, 至少不會像阿湯哥加入的山塔基一般可怕就是了吧. 山塔基簡直就是邪教組織的咧. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

12/05 08:53, , 1F
好像職業婦女喔XD Tori果然也是凡人一沒阿(菸~)
12/05 08:53, 1F

12/05 08:53, , 2F
12/05 08:53, 2F

12/05 09:37, , 3F
是職業婦女沒錯啊:p 可是別忘了, Tori是和老公一起工作的.
12/05 09:37, 3F

12/05 09:38, , 4F
=而且不太一樣的是那種全家一起的凝聚力, 而非親情勒索哩
12/05 09:38, 4F

12/05 14:33, , 5F
這麼說來....去年那一大系列的網路live bootleg
12/05 14:33, 5F

12/05 14:34, , 6F
可能會是最後一系列了 ><
12/05 14:34, 6F

12/05 16:03, , 7F
12/05 16:03, 7F

12/05 16:04, , 8F
12/05 16:04, 8F

12/05 16:05, , 9F
那才是Tori Amos歷史裡最精采的部分啊!!!
12/05 16:05, 9F

12/05 16:10, , 10F
Tori迄今的個人演唱會就有超過上千場!!! 而bootleg流通的
12/05 16:10, 10F

12/05 16:11, , 11F
12/05 16:11, 11F

12/05 16:50, , 12F
12/05 16:50, 12F

12/05 16:56, , 13F
話說Tash從9個月大就跟著媽媽一起巡迴了, 55場橫跨歐美.
12/05 16:56, 13F

12/05 16:56, , 14F
才兩歲的年紀就跟爸媽一起tour超過150個城市, 而且Tash還
12/05 16:56, 14F

12/05 16:56, , 15F
擔任整個tour的executive manager,這小孩可不是一般小孩哩
12/05 16:56, 15F

12/06 21:37, , 16F
12/06 21:37, 16F

12/07 04:42, , 17F
推executive manager XDD
12/07 04:42, 17F
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