[歌詞] Nice Cindy

看板TizzyBac作者 (ptt處處有溫情)時間10月前 (2024/04/14 11:57), 編輯推噓0(000)
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作詞:陳惠婷 作曲:陳惠婷 聚光燈下照著獨角戲的她 不斷交出真心又不斷被下架 錯置方向裝回本該在的地方 卻失重歪斜了 愛過的一切都不算後悔 只是殘留著些許的遺憾 Somebody breaks your heart means somebody will fix you up Cindy let it all go by Cindy will be alright 縫合散落記憶拼湊出曾經 製造一個完美關於愛的幻境 只是想要幸褔誰能夠否定 這天真近乎愚蠢的心 愛過的一切絕不算後悔 已經數不清第幾次遺憾 Somebody breaks your heart means somebody will fix you up Cindy let it all go by Cindy will be alright I, look up at the sky Looking at the sky Looking how you shine like stars tonight 愛過的一切不管多狼狽 擅長遺憾的人多麼勇敢 Somebody breaks your heart means somebody will fix you up Cindy let it all go by Cindy will be alright I, look up at the sky Looking at the sky Looking how you shine like stars tonight I, look up at the sky Looking at the sky We can shine it all around tonight -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/TizzyBac/M.1713067061.A.167.html
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文章代碼(AID): #1c6rGr5d (TizzyBac)