Re: [情報] T-ARA 將會帶著迷你專輯回歸 10/27 音 …

看板T-ara作者 (T-ara *\(>.< )/*)時間14年前 (2010/10/15 19:47), 編輯推噓8(801)
留言9則, 8人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
※ 引述《pipi192002 (T-ara *\(>.< )/*)》之銘言: : 情報來源: : We knew T-ara was going to make a comeback sometime this month,but according : to Bugs!. : It's been confirmed that they will be releasing : their new mini-album on October 27th! : Although we don't have any info about the new mini-album or comeback concept : yet, stay tuned because we’ll post it up as soon as we find out! : Who’s excited? : 翻譯: :   ↓感謝f2023大大提供資訊 : 我們知道T-ARA 將會在10月的某天回歸,但是根據Bugs!(音源網 : 它已經確認T-ARA將會釋出她們的新迷你專輯在10/27號!! : 雖然我們還沒有任何資訊關於新專輯&回歸的概念 敬請期待 我們會立刻告知當我們知道 : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 雖然不知是不是正確的情報! 但至少有個底 XDDD  ↑(被我的烏鴉嘴說中了.......冏 最新情報來源: 音源網 (已刪除資料! Bugs have removed T-ara's mini album release date placed on the 27th of October. Bugs said that this is because it was an error and was a tentative release date set earlier this summer that was never removed/changed. T-ara is still planning on making their comeback in November when Co.ed promotions slow down. 翻譯:Bugs 已經移除T-ARA迷你專輯的10/27音源釋出日期. Bugs說這是一個錯誤並且這是在今年夏季提出的暫定日期然後沒有被移除. T-ARA 還是計畫在11月回歸當男女共學的表演告一段落. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 果然Bugs 不是叫假的....真是好大的bug!!!>"< 但是 這樣還來得急在10月最後一週表演嗎.... 這次的CB果然撲朔迷離...結果是什麼 讓我們繼續看下去....! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

10/15 19:59, , 1F
=口= 那只好慢慢等了 希望CB公司多用點心阿!!
10/15 19:59, 1F

10/15 20:05, , 2F
10月中變11月 愈變愈後面= =
10/15 20:05, 2F

10/15 20:06, , 3F
男女後續曲還沒出來 照這樣搞說不定要等到11月中= =
10/15 20:06, 3F

10/15 20:36, , 4F
oh no~~~
10/15 20:36, 4F

10/15 20:41, , 5F
10/15 20:41, 5F

10/15 21:41, , 6F
10/15 21:41, 6F

10/15 21:49, , 7F
10/15 21:49, 7F

10/15 22:27, , 8F
10/15 22:27, 8F

10/17 10:55, , 9F
10/17 10:55, 9F
文章代碼(AID): #1Ck3zK1e (T-ara)
文章代碼(AID): #1Ck3zK1e (T-ara)