[新聞] T-ARA為什麼更換隊長

看板T-ara作者 (T-ara *\(>.< )/*)時間14年前 (2010/07/17 15:01), 編輯推噓15(1502)
留言17則, 17人參與, 最新討論串1/1
On the 16th, the girl group T-ara had two major changes. The first being the recruit of the seventh member, Ryu Hwayoung, and the second being the swtich of leaders from Eunjung to Boram. On the 16th, T-ara's agency Core Contents Media announced Ryu Hwayoung was the newest member and that Boram would replace Eunjung. Just like After School and Super Junior, the choice to recruit a new member makes T-ara more diverse. When switching up the leader, the opinions were more particular (idk how to explain.) A representative of Core Contents Media told Star News over a phone call, "Once a year, the leaders will rotate, last year we already rotated with Jiae/Eunjung. It's been a year and it's time for it to happen again." Following, "Eunjung is very busy shooting her movie, even though her drama schedule just cleared up. At the time of T-ara's debut, she was a good choice for a leader as she was a trainee for the longest time among the original members," he said, "But now we've decided that rotating leaders would be a good idea as it gives all the members an opportunity to grow as members of the group." The representative also said, "The choice to replace the leaders was a choice decided by T-ara themselves. They feel that this way T-ara is able to grow more as a group into a new direction." Meanwhile, T-ara is busy with personal activities. Jiyeon's movie, "Death Bell 2" will be released this summer, Eunjung's drama "Coffee House" is being aired, and Hyomin is preparing for her drama, "My Girlfriend is a Nine-Tailed Fox." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 新聞來源:http://ppt.cc/QH~2 有上色的地方就是新聞的重點! 大概就是說~T-ARA的隊長是一年輪一次 一開始由智雅(已退團前成員)→恩靜 現在是由 恩靜→寶藍 CCM代表說:"這次的隊長選任是T-ara全員自己的決定,她們認為這可讓她們以團隊的方 式向新的方面發展。 補充: 恩靜拍完Coffee House 還有電影<white>(恐怖片= =)要拍 孝敏有<我的女友是九尾狐>的戲劇演出 8/11首播 (孝敏應該是女3= =) 智妍現在忙於考死2的電影宣傳 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 個人覺得~這個決定很好! 每個人都有機會~可以磨練一下! 不過輪完一輪要7年XDDDDD T-ARA真是太有特色呵! 除了百變! 連隊長都是用輪的!! Zzang!! -- ███ ◢█◣ ██◣ ◢█◣ █ ▄▄ █▄█ █▄█ █▄█ █ █ █ █ ◣ █ █ ███ ▊ ▊ ██◣ ██◣ ██ ▌ █ █ █ █▄▄ █ █ █ █▌ T-ara板歡迎你加入 ▅█ ▄█▄ ▊ █▄▄ █▄█ █ █ ∮makigoto123 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/17 15:09, , 1F
向新的方面發展 T-ARA fighting!!
07/17 15:09, 1F

07/17 15:10, , 2F
T-ARA fighting!!
07/17 15:10, 2F

07/17 15:12, , 3F
T-ARA fighting!!裡頭也寫恩靜會繼續拍電影
07/17 15:12, 3F

07/17 15:20, , 4F
T-ARA fighting!! 恩靜加油!!!
07/17 15:20, 4F

07/17 15:25, , 5F
QQ 翻成中文就甘心~~
07/17 15:25, 5F
※ 編輯: pipi192002 來自: (07/17 16:11)

07/17 16:24, , 6F
07/17 16:24, 6F

07/17 19:44, , 7F
07/17 19:44, 7F

07/17 21:17, , 8F
07/17 21:17, 8F

07/17 21:31, , 9F
07/17 21:31, 9F

07/17 22:35, , 10F
07/17 22:35, 10F

07/17 23:30, , 11F
不過換隊長代表 會比較捧寶藍嗎?
07/17 23:30, 11F

07/18 04:55, , 12F
太酷了 隊長還用輪的
07/18 04:55, 12F

07/18 10:08, , 13F
是跟t-ara dot com的社長一樣意思嗎?XD
07/18 10:08, 13F

07/18 22:33, , 14F
我想知道輪到智妍會是什麼情況!! 哈哈XDDDDDDDDD
07/18 22:33, 14F

07/21 00:56, , 15F
07/21 00:56, 15F

07/22 18:14, , 16F
07/22 18:14, 16F

07/24 23:53, , 17F
隊長通常都老大吧 不然就是很有特色跟能力特別突出
07/24 23:53, 17F
文章代碼(AID): #1CGLKjKm (T-ara)
文章代碼(AID): #1CGLKjKm (T-ara)