R: [轉錄][電影] 池昌旭加盟《考死2》全體演員聚? …

看板T-ara作者 (CHANGE)時間14年前 (2010/03/31 13:47), 編輯推噓0(000)
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翻譯濫請見諒... T-ara’s Qri to Star in Death Bell 2 T-ara居麗演出考死2 Popular 2008 horror movie Death Bell is back with its sequel! There’s even better news too! T-ara’s Qri will be starring in Death Bell 2, which is to be tentatively released in July! 2008年受歡迎的恐怖電影"考死"以續集方式回來,最新消息是T-ara居麗將會參與演出考 死2,暫定6月上映。 On her minihompy, Qri recently added a picture with the cast of Death Bell 2. She also added some comments, which read as “Oh!! Yoon Si Yoon is missing??”, “Yoon Si Yoon was in the middle of shooting something else”, “Death Bell 2 will be so fun!!”, “Hwang Jeong Eum jjang~ Hwaiting!!!!!!!” and “Oh? T-ara’s Qri?” 在他的minihompy居麗最近增加一張考死2演員圖片,他也加入一些評論,內容為"喔! Yoon Si Yoon消失了","Yoon Si Yoon途中拍攝別的東西","考死2很有趣", "Hwang Jeong Eum jjang~ Hwaiting!!!!!!!"(這句看不懂)"Oh? T-ara’s Qri?" (居麗搞笑!?) In addition to Qri, Jiyeon will also be in Death Bell 2. Both Qri and Jiyeon have had acting experience prior to this, as Qri appeared in well known historical drama Queen Seon Duk, while Jiyeon was part of the main cast for God of Study 除了居麗外,智妍也將參與考死2,居麗智妍在這之前都有演出經驗,居麗出現在善德女王 ,智妍在學習之神是主要演員之ㄧ。 With two such talented ladies joining the cast of Death Bell 2, we can only expect great things to come in the future! Wishing the girls (and the rest of the Death Bell 2) cast good luck as they begin filming in April. 有了兩個天才女演員加入考死2,在未來我們能期待大事來臨,希望參與考死2的女孩4月 拍攝順利。 來源 http://tinyurl.com/yevz57r -- ███ ◢█◣ ██◣ ◢█◣ 無 敵 可 愛 智 妍 █ ▄▄ █▄█ █▄█ █▄█ 長髮 █ █ █ █ ◣ █ █ 短髮 http://ppt.cc/HHnz ███ ▊ ▊ ██◣ ██◣ ██ ▌ MV嘟嚕嚕 http://ppt.cc/@xtA █ █ █ █▄▄ █ █ █ █▌ T-ara板歡迎你加入 ▄█ ▄█▄ ▋ █▄▄ █▄█ █ █ ψmakigoto123 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: makigoto123 來自: (03/31 14:59) ※ 編輯: makigoto123 來自: (03/31 15:02)
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文章代碼(AID): #1Bik7tgS (T-ara)