[音樂] 魚丁糸 Cash Machine(魚 in summer)MV

看板Sodagreen (蘇打綠)作者 (言女寺亭)時間2年前 (2022/03/04 12:33), 2年前編輯推噓8(805)
留言13則, 7人參與, 2年前最新討論串1/1
▂▂ Cash Machine(魚in summer) 詞/曲:Archer Richard John Go to a cash machine to get a ticket home A Message on the screen Says “don't make plans, you're broke” No, no this can't be right I know that time is tight I've only just been paid three weeks five days til I’ve seen Right……No…… I scratch a living, it ain't easy You know it's a drag I'm always paying, never make it But you can't look back I wonder if I'll ever get to where I want to be Better believe it I'm working for the cash machine I try to phone a friend My credit's in the red I try to skip the fare Ticket inspector's there No,no, this can't be right I live an honest life It seems like sometimes You don't cross the line,you don't get By…… No…… What am I gonna do My girlfriend's test turned blue We tried to play it safe That night we could not wait No no, this can't be right She said it would be alright I can't afford to be a daddy So I leave Tonight…… No…… There's a hole in my pocket ▂▂ 製作:魚丁糸 主唱:吳青峰 鼓:史俊威 Bass:謝馨儀 吉他:何景揚 吉他:劉家凱 鋼琴:龔鈺祺 製作人: 吳青峰、徐千秀 製作統籌:徐千秀 編曲:魚丁糸 吉他:徐千秀 錄音師:柯宗佑、單為明、徐千秀 錄音室:Neo Studio展演館 音檔編輯:單為明 混音:柯宗佑 @ 菲蒂蔻娜 母帶後期處理製作人:徐千秀 母帶後期處理工程師:Greg Calbi、Steve Fallone 母帶後期處理錄音室:Sterling Sound ▂▂ Production|人森工作室 Foresters Studio Director|涂皓欽 Tu Hao-Chin、娄小禾 Skye Lou 3D Animation|娄小禾 Skye Lou 2D Animation|涂皓欽 Tu Hao-Chin 手寫字|吳青峰 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Sodagreen/M.1646368406.A.9C3.html ※ 編輯: stlin2002 ( 臺灣), 03/04/2022 12:37:48

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文章代碼(AID): #1Y8PQMd3 (Sodagreen)
文章代碼(AID): #1Y8PQMd3 (Sodagreen)