[情報] SECHSKIES 5TH FULL ALBUM 2017.09.21

看板SechsKies作者 (人生有多少個十年)時間7年前 (2017/09/05 23:42), 7年前編輯推噓7(703)
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[YG LIFE NEWS : SECHSKIES] SECHSKIES is coming back with their first new full album in 18 years, on September 21. Read more @ http://www.yg-life.com/archives/93268?lang=en #SECHSKIES #水晶男孩 #JEKKI #20170921 #5THFULLALBUM #COMEBACK #NEWRELEASE #YG Cr.SECHSKIES@Faceook 以下為連結所附英文新聞稿 [朝鮮體育.com Jeong-yuna(音譯)記者] SECHSKIES is coming back with their first new full album in 18 years, on September 21. 水晶男孩將於9月21日帶著18年後的第一張全新正規專輯回歸。 On September 4 at 2PM, YG Entertainment announced the news by unveiling a teaser poster that says “COMEBACK SECHSKIES 5TH FULL ALBUM 2017.09.21” on the company’s official blog. 在9月4日下午2點,YG娛樂於公司官網上公開寫著"COMEBACK SECHSKIES 5TH FULL ALBUM 2017.09.21"的預告海報的同時公布了這個消息。 In the teaser poster, SECHSKIES is creating a sophisticated atmosphere, wearing semiformal suits that present both formal and casual styles. Uniquely chic poses of the five members also catch the eyes. 在這張預告海報中,水晶男孩創造了一個充滿閱歷的氛圍,身著半正式西裝,同時展現出 正式及休閒的樣子。五個成員獨特地與眾不同的姿勢也抓住了人們的目光。 The new album is SECHSKIES' first full album in 18 years since their 4th full album “Com' Back” released in 1999. That is why it will be all the more meaningful for both SECHSKIES and their fan club “Yellow Kies”. 新專輯是水晶男孩自1999年發行正規4輯Com' Back後,18年後的第一張正規專輯,這也正 是為什麼5輯對於水晶男孩及他們歌迷Yellow Kies都要別具意義的原因。 Notably, SECHSKIES' leader EUN JI WON who has recently signed an exclusive contract with YG took part in the work for the new album very actively. Insiders say that he fully committed himself for the work on SECHKIES' comeback, even directing the new album jointly with other writers. 值得注意的是,近期與YG簽訂了個人專屬合約的水晶男孩隊長殷志源也積極地參與了5輯的 製作。根據內部人員表示,他也全心致力於水晶男孩回歸的工作,甚至直接與其他音樂人 一起參與5輯的製作。 SECHSKIES has recently been making more active public appearances than ever before since their debut. On September 1, SECHSKIES unveiled a surprise spoiler about their comeback in NAVER V-LIVE broadcasting “2017 SECHSKIES AWARDS”. 與從前出道時相比,水晶男孩近期一直積極地進行公開活動。在9月1日,水晶男孩也在 V-LIVE上公開了另一個回歸活動"2017 SECHSKIES AWARDS"。 The members of SECHSKIES raised fans' anticipation for the new album by saying, “We're filling the new full album with new songs only. Please look forward to it”. 水晶男孩的成員表示"我們將會用新歌填滿整張新專輯,敬請期待。",提升歌迷的對於新 專輯的期待值。 SECHSKIES made debut with “School Byeolgok” on April 14 in 1997 and led the boom of first-generation idol bands. After making numerous hits with songs including “Couple” and “The Way This Guy Lives─Pomsaengpomsa”, SECHSKIES suddenly announced their disbandment. Then, last year, SECHSKIES was dramatically reunited for their performance in MBC’s “The Infinite Challenge ” show, after 16 years of separation, to touch many people’s hearts. 這邊開始就是水晶的簡介~就不翻了XDD After their reunion, SECHSKIES signed an exclusive contract with YG Entertainment and was newly born as one of the hottest idol groups of these days by sweeping No.1 on music charts with their remake album “2016 Re-Album ”, as well as new single “THREE WORDS”, “SAD SONG”, and “BE WELL”. In celebration of the 20th anniversary of their debut this year, SECHSKIES has been carrying out diverse promotion events including new album release, art exhibition, fan meeting, video screening in Hawaii, and a special show in the form of music awards, etc. Music fans are already paying keen attention to what kind of new music and image SECHSKIES will present with their fifth full album, as well as in the concert to be held on September 23 at Gocheok Sky Dome in Seoul which will be the highlight of SECHSKIES’ 20th anniversary. 2017. 9. 4. 雖然大家都知道了,還是要來發一下情報文,附上YG官網的英文新聞稿,是我大概翻譯一 下,如果有錯請再幫我指正。 看到18年後的第一張全新專輯,內心真的是無比感慨阿XDDD -- 現在 這裡 我們 有這三個詞就夠了 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/SechsKies/M.1504626151.A.F9A.html ※ 編輯: cathy112112 (, 09/05/2017 23:43:13

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文章代碼(AID): #1PhiNd-Q (SechsKies)
文章代碼(AID): #1PhiNd-Q (SechsKies)