[討論] 新年大放送??

看板Savage作者 (LinkinPark 1116!!!)時間16年前 (2008/01/01 17:07), 編輯推噓12(1200)
留言12則, 12人參與, 最新討論串1/4 (看更多)
大家新年快樂 XD 因為新年嘛,總是要有點頭甜嚐嚐的 昨天沒去跨年宅在家裡整理我的CD櫃 就自以為在某種程度上來講我覺得我的收藏算齊的了XD (看到塞滿滿的CD櫃真讓我高興,不過該買新CD櫃了 >"<) 所以,Savage Garden和Darren Hayes的單曲由各為版友各選一張 看哪兩張最票數最多就利多大放送啦 A區B區請推文(箭頭不算)各投一張票喔~ 投票到1/7在下我生日為止 XD 如果有附Video的話要回答個小問題,猜中的才有 XD 小題目是:我幾點出生(好爛的題目 XD) 要猜就猜,不猜其實網路上也都抓的到 XD 以下為單曲名及曲目 Darren Hayes A1 Insatiable Remixes 1.Insatiable - Album Version 2.Insatiable - Calderone Club Mix 3.Insatiable - Pablo Larosa's Funktified 4.Insatiable - Specificus 'Insomniac' Mix 5.Insatiable - 'dp versus Darren Hayes' Mix 6.Insatiable - Specificus 'Let It Go' Mix A2 Strange Relationship 1.Strange Relationship - Album Version 2.So Bad - Original Demo Recording 3.Insatiable - Metro Boys Remix A3 Strange Relationship Remixes 1.Strange Relationship - Album Version 2.Strange Relationship - 'dp vs Darren Hayes' Mix 3.Strange Relationship - Specificus Mad Scientist Mix 4.Strange Relationship - Specificus Jungle Lounge Mix A4 Strange Relationship 1.Strange Relationship - Radio Edit 2.Sexual Lealing - Capital Radio Session 3.So Bad - Original Demo Recording 4.Strange Relationship - Video (你沒看錯,這張單曲我買了三張) A5 I Miss You 1.I Miss You - Dallas Austin mix 2.I Miss You - Album Version Radio Edit 3.CRUSH ON HOLIDAY - Remix 4.WHERE YOU WANT TO BE - Original Demo Recording A6 Crush 1.Crush (1980 Me) - Radio Edit 2.Crush (1980 Me) - Crush on Holiday Mix 3.Crush (1980 Me) - Instrumental Version A7 Pop!ular 1.Pop!ular - Radio Edit 2.Pop!ular 3.Touch 4.Zero 5.Pop!ular - dp Rich Bitch Mix A8 Darkness 1.Darkness - Radio Edit 2.Random Blinking Light 3.Pop!ular - Video 4.Darkness - Video (買了很久居然今天才拆 囧) A9 So Beautiful 1.So Beautiful - Radio Edit 2.Truly Madly Deeply Medley 3.To the Moon and Back Medley 4.Something in the Sky - Previously Unreleased 5.So Beautiful - Lee Groves Mix (Something in the sky真的很好聽!!) A10 On the Verge of Something Wonderful 1.On the Verge of Something Wonderful 2.Fallen Angel A11 Me, Myself and (i) 1.Me, Myself and (i) 2.Let's Go - Demo 3.Slow Down - Demo 4.DJ Wayne G and Andy Allder Electro Mix Savage Garden B1 To the Moon and Back 1.To the Moon and Back - Long Edit 2.Memories are Designed to Fade B2 Truly Madly Deeply 1.Truly Madly Deeply 2.Promieses 3.Truly Madly Deeply - Night Radio Mix 4.I Want You - Bastone Club Mix 5.I Want You - I Need I Want Mix B3 I Knew I Loved You 1.I Knew I Loved You - 2.I Knew I Loved You - Acoustic Version 3.I Knew I Loved You - Danie's Remix 4.Mine - And You Could Be B4 I Knew I Loved You 1.I Knew I Loved You - Radio Edit 2.I Knew I Loved You - Club Mix 3.Universe B5 Hold Me 1.Hold Me 2.Truly Madly Deeply - Australian Version 3.I Want You - Asoustic Live 4.I Knew I Loved You - Live B6 The Animal Song 1.The Animal Song 2.All Around Me 3.Break Me Shake Me - Broken Mix B7 The Animal Song 1.The Animal Song - Album Version 2.Santa Monica - Bittersweet Remix (我忘記是B6還是B7我好像傳過...) B8 Crash and Burn 1.Crash and Burn 2.I Knew I Loved You - Eddie's Savage Dance Mix 3.Gunning Down Romance - Drum and Bass Mix 4.I Knew I Loved You - Eddie's Rhythm Radio Mix B9 The Best Thing 1.The Best Thing 2.Affirmation - Live 3.I Want You - Live 4.I Knew I Loved You - Live B10 Chained to You 1.Chained to You 2.Affirmation - Live 3.I Want You - Live 4.I Knew I Loved You - Live 終於打完啦~ 我房間超冷,大家慢看 -- 共に歩き 共に探し 共に笑い 共に誓い 共に感じ 共に選び 共に泣き 共に背負い 共に抱き 共に迷い 共に築き 共に願い ささやかな幸せが木漏れ日のように 柔らかに降り注ぐ そんな日々を描きながら  いつの日も どんなときも -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: usarenee 來自: (01/01 17:07) ※ 編輯: usarenee 來自: (01/01 17:08)

01/01 22:22, , 1F
A9B3 猜你是凌晨四點
01/01 22:22, 1F

01/02 03:26, , 2F
A10B3 我猜早上10點
01/02 03:26, 2F

01/02 08:16, , 3F
A1B5 下午兩點
01/02 08:16, 3F

01/02 10:14, , 4F
A8B5 晚上六點
01/02 10:14, 4F

01/02 10:59, , 5F
A9B5 我猜是中午12點
01/02 10:59, 5F

01/02 22:42, , 6F
01/02 22:42, 6F

01/03 00:40, , 7F
A5B5 我猜凌晨四點
01/03 00:40, 7F

01/03 23:11, , 8F
A1B5 我猜下午一點
01/03 23:11, 8F

01/04 22:13, , 9F
01/04 22:13, 9F

01/05 23:58, , 10F
A4B6 我猜早上六點 太陽升起時 XD
01/05 23:58, 10F

01/06 21:19, , 11F
A9B1 我猜凌晨12點
01/06 21:19, 11F

01/07 01:35, , 12F
A9B9 早上八點!
01/07 01:35, 12F
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