[拓哉] 美國《華爾街日報》談《CHANGE》

看板SMAP作者 (Skyline)時間16年前 (2008/07/02 15:31), 編輯推噓10(1003)
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昨天(Jul. 1)的《華爾街日報》(The Wall Street Journal)刊登了一篇報導, 以《CHANGE》的朝倉總理和福田總理作對照 網路部份預覽版: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB121487438346517985.html 今天早上,日本《めざましテレビ》報導了這一則消息, 並且映出將福田總理與朝倉總理照片並排的報紙畫面 http://blog.goo.ne.jp/halu09510/e/6a4a9ce1c786897a1409d8881bb7d482 照片特寫掃描:(轉載自百度木村拓哉吧) http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v233/swallowca/scan.jpg
Japanese television audience have taken to the dynamic, fictional leader, Keita Asakura (right), as played by Takuya Kimura, but Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda (left) hasn’t succeeded in winning much public support. 日本電視觀眾非常喜愛這充滿活力的虛構領袖─朝倉啟太﹙右圖﹚,由木村拓哉飾演,但 是福田康夫首相﹙左圖﹚一直無法成功贏得廣泛的大眾支持。 提到《CHANGE》的報導內容如下: Fukuda's Low-Key Style Frustrates Japanese By Sebastian Moffett and Hiroko Tabuchi 2008/07/01 In the hot new Japanese TV drama "Change," Prime Minister Keita Asakura is a dynamic 35-year-old with charisma. He nixes pork-barrel construction projects in favor of more money for child care. After a deadly storm hits, Mr. Asakura rushes to the scene, barking orders to bungling bureaucrats. And he stands up to the U.S. in agriculture trade talks. "I have the responsibility to protect the Japanese people," Mr. Asakura tells enthralled voters. "I am one of you." 在熱門新日本電視劇《CHANGE》當中,朝倉啟太總理是一個充滿活力的三十五歲青年, 擁有過人的領袖魅力。他不贊同政策綁樁的公共建設計畫案,希望能投注更多的金錢於 兒童醫療照護。在嚴重的風災之後,朝倉先生直奔災害當地,並果斷地厲聲對拙於應變 的官僚下達即時指令。此外,他也在農業貿易會談當中,挺身面對美國政府﹙對日本提 出不利的要求﹚。『保護日本人民是我的責任,』朝倉先生告訴為他深深吸引住的選民 『我是你們的其中之一。』 【中間大篇幅探討福田總理的政壇崛起之路以及政治舉措】 That may be why Mr. Asakura's fantasy government is so popular. The weekly show, which starts with an image of dawn rising over Japan's parliament building, has attracted about 20% of TV households in the Tokyo area since it began in May. In an episode before Mr. Asakura's elevation, a young lawmaker talks excitedly of the rise of Sen. Obama, 46, and U.K. Conservative Party leader David Cameron, 41. Japan's stodgy politicians, by contrast, are steeped in backroom politics and out of touch with the nation, he says. "World leaders are getting younger and younger, but look at Japan!" he says. 那也許可以解釋為何虛構出的朝倉政府會如此受到歡迎。這齣從五月起每週播出的電視 劇,以黎明從日本國會大廈升起的意象為開始,在東京地區,已經吸引了大約百分之二 十的家戶觀眾。在朝倉先生競選成為總裁/總理之前的其中一話當中,一位年輕的議員 興奮地談論歐巴馬﹙46﹚、以及英國保守黨黨魁大衛‧卡麥隆﹙41﹚的崛起,而與此對 比,日本暮氣沉沉的舊派政治家還沉湎於密室政治,和國家與人民脫鉤。『世界的首腦 正在逐步年輕化,但是,看看日本!』他說。 Some Japanese politicians are taking notice. Defense Minister Shigeru Ishiba -- at 51, the youngest cabinet minister in a major post-said he was a fan of the show. "There are honestly some parts I empathize with," he told reporters last month. "Politicians need to rethink what they stand for." 部分日本政治家也在關注這齣電視劇。防衛廳大臣‧石破 茂﹙51﹚—福田內閣內的重要 職位當中,最年輕的閣員—說他是這齣電視劇的影迷。上個月他告訴記者:『老實說, 有讓我深感共鳴的部份。政治家需要重新思考他們所支持、所代表的是什麼。』 ※以上報導的英文原文來自WSJ網站以及百度木村拓哉吧。 中文翻譯by我 XD 石破 茂談到《CHANGE》 http://tw.youtube.com/watch?v=SreIj_E_azs -- SMAP版第一PO,請多多指教 :) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/02 15:38, , 1F
07/02 15:38, 1F

07/02 17:13, , 2F
07/02 17:13, 2F

07/02 17:17, , 3F
07/02 17:17, 3F

07/02 17:35, , 4F
07/02 17:35, 4F

07/02 17:53, , 5F
謝謝翻譯 ^^ 比台灣的報紙記者寫的要正面有意義多了
07/02 17:53, 5F

07/02 19:22, , 6F
07/02 19:22, 6F

07/02 19:43, , 7F
台灣的記者有優良的報導不去抄, 就只會抄小報... 感覺原
07/02 19:43, 7F

07/02 19:43, , 8F
07/02 19:43, 8F

07/02 19:44, , 9F
07/02 19:44, 9F

07/02 21:21, , 10F
07/02 21:21, 10F

07/02 22:03, , 11F
07/02 22:03, 11F

07/02 23:34, , 12F
感謝翻譯! change的影響力不在收視,在新聞界喔!
07/02 23:34, 12F

07/03 11:59, , 13F
感謝翻譯~ 我生平第一次想收藏華爾街日報(毆)
07/03 11:59, 13F
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文章代碼(AID): #18QoxBow (SMAP)