[情報] 4/4曲目(僅供參考)

看板SBrightman作者 (藍色雷斯里)時間16年前 (2009/04/05 00:15), 編輯推噓7(704)
留言11則, 7人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Sanvean (序曲) Gothica + Fleur Du Mal Let It Rain Symphony Forbidden Color (間奏,出自Harem Tour特別專輯) What A Wonderful World Dust In The Wind Nella Fantasia Hijo de la Luna La Luna Sarahbande (間奏) Anytime Anywhere Storia d’Amore Canto Della Terra Attesa *中場休息* You Take My Breathe Away The Phantom of the Opera Sarai Qui I’ve Been This Way Before 童話表演 + Red Riding Hood Rap First of May I Believe In Father Christmas Time to Say Goodbye 安可曲: Deliver Me Running You and Me -- 部落格: http://blueleslie.pixnet.net/blog/ 網路書櫃: http://www.anobii.com/people/blueleslie/ YouTube Channel: http://tw.youtube.com/lesliecat -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/05 00:17, , 1F
04/05 00:17, 1F

04/05 00:26, , 2F
我好愛deliver me
04/05 00:26, 2F

04/05 00:29, , 3F
04/05 00:29, 3F

04/05 00:34, , 4F
04/05 00:34, 4F

04/05 01:47, , 5F
我明天要去看 沒eden嗎 很好聽說~~期待中
04/05 01:47, 5F

04/05 02:01, , 6F
04/05 02:01, 6F

04/05 02:04, , 7F
請問大概歷時多久呀 感謝~~結束的時間大概是幾點?
04/05 02:04, 7F

04/05 02:31, , 8F
7點40左右開始 中間15分休息 10點X分結束(只記得搭捷運
04/05 02:31, 8F

04/05 02:31, , 9F
10點~ 不過延後好久才開始>"<
04/05 02:31, 9F

04/05 02:31, , 10F
04/05 02:31, 10F

04/05 13:40, , 11F
嗯 感謝star大 因為我是要轉車回基隆 大概了解
04/05 13:40, 11F
文章代碼(AID): #19ruUW3b (SBrightman)
文章代碼(AID): #19ruUW3b (SBrightman)