Re: [情報] RHCP剛結束超級盃的中場演出!

看板RHCPs作者 (反骨)時間10年前 (2014/02/05 07:37), 編輯推噓3(305)
留言8則, 5人參與, 最新討論串3/4 (看更多)
Flea在官網提出解釋了~ 說真的,整件事很明顯就是超級盃的要求, 紅椒不是第一個出場,是在倒數第二首歌, 只佔約三分鐘的表演時間,幾乎很難掌握現場的狀況,加上還全球直播。 看到有人把整件事都怪罪在Flea頭上,真是讓我很不爽。 紅椒出道三十年,如果真要假彈早就假了 有人問說,既然如此,Flea幹嘛不把無線接收器插上去? 從上面的歷史可以知道,他們寧願讓觀眾知道他們彈假的, 也不要讓大家以為是真的。 聲明翻譯如下: 「When we were asked by the NFL and Bruno to play our song Give It Away at the Super Bowl, it was made clear to us that the vocals would be live, but the bass, drums, and guitar would be pre-recorded. I understand the NFL's stance on this, given they only have a few minutes to set up the stage, there a zillion things that could go wrong and ruin the sound for the folks watching in the stadium and the t.v. viewers. There was not any room for argument on this, the NFL does not want to risk their show being botched by bad sound, period. 超級盃中場表演中,GIVE IT AWAY的演出片段,吉他、貝斯與鼓都是預錄好的,只有AK是 唱現場。NFL堅持這樣處理,因為他們只有幾分鐘可以架設舞台設備,有太多可以出錯的 機會,導致影響現場與電視前觀眾收聽的音效。於是沒有討價還價的空間,NFL不想冒這 個險。 The Red Hot Chili Peppers stance on any sort of miming has been that we will absolutely not do it. The last time we did it (or tried to) was in the late 80's, we were thrown off of 'The Top Of the Pops' television program in the U.K. during rehearsals because we refused to mime properly, I played bass with my shoe, John played guitar atop Anthony's shoulders, and we basically had a wrestling match onstage, making a mockery of the idea that it was a real live performance. 嗆辣紅椒絕對不做假彈。上一次我們假彈,或試著假彈,是在八零年代,我們在上一個 "The Top Of the Pops"的英國電視節目,排練時我們不想好好地假彈,所以我用鞋子彈 貝斯,John在AK的肩膀上彈吉他,我們整場基本上可以說是在摔角,在嘲笑這樣的概念, 而且這樣絕對是"現場演出"。 We mimed on one or two weird MTV shows before that and it always was a drag. We take our music playing seriously, it is a sacred thing for us, and anyone who has ever seen us in concert (like the night before the Super Bowl at the Barclays Center), knows that we play from our heart, we improvise spontaneously, take musical risks, and sweat blood at every show. We have been on the road for 31 years doing it. 我們還有為MTV的節目假彈過一次或兩次,但都不是直播節目。我們很認真看待我們的音 樂,對我們是很神聖的,任何來看過我們演唱會的人,都知道我們用心在每場表演上,並 且自發地即性演出,做各種嘗試。我們已經這樣走過31年。 So, when this Super Bowl gig concept came up, there was a lot of confusion amongst us as whether or not we should do it, but we eventually decided, it was a surreal-like, once in a life time crazy thing to do and we would just have fun and do it. We had given this a lot of thought before agreeing to do it, and besides many a long conversation amongst ourselves, I spoke with many musician friends for whom I have the utmost respect, and they all said they would do it if asked, that it was a wild trippy thing to do, what the hell. Plus, we the RHCP all love football too and that played a big part in our decision. We decided that, with Anthony singing live, that we could still bring the spirit and freedom of what we do into the performance, and of course we played every note in the recording specially for the gig. I met and spoke with Bruno, who was a beautiful dude, a real talented musician, and we worked out something that seemed like it would be fun. 所以當超級盃這樣的演出邀請到來時,我們都在思考到底要不要接手。我們最終還是答應 了,把它想成一種超現實的瘋狂事,應該會很有趣。點頭前我們也考慮很多,除了彼此討 論外,我也問過很多我很尊敬的音樂人朋友,他們都說他們會答應。更何況,紅椒們都熱 愛美式足球,想要成為其中的一部分。於是我們達成協議,讓AK唱現場,這樣我們還是可 以傳達一點我們的靈魂與自由度,而當然每一段樂曲的錄製都是由我們親自演奏的。我與 Bruno Mars見面並聊過,他是一個很棒的傢伙,十足有天份的音樂人,能和他一起演出絕 對很好玩的。 We recorded a track for the day, just banged one out from our hearts that was very like in spirit to the versions we have been playing live the last few years with our beloved Josh on guitar. 我們花了一天錄製這場的演出,和過去幾年一樣,與Josh一起,為歌曲注入熱情與靈魂。 For the actual performance, Josh, Chad, and I were playing along with the pre recorded track so there was no need to plug in our guitars, so we did not. Could we have plugged them in and avoided bumming people out who have expressed disappointment that the instrumental track was pre recorded? Of course easily we could have and this would be a non-issue. We thought it better to not pretend. It seemed like the realest thing to do in the circumstance. It was like making a music video in front of a gazillion people, except with live vocals, and only one chance to rock it. Our only thought was to bring the spirit of who we are to the people. 到了演出當天,我們精確地照著預錄的版本彈奏,所以我們不需要插上吉他,所以我們就 沒插。那我們是不是可以插上無線接收器,好讓人們不要很失望地認為我們竟然是預錄演 出?當然可以。只是我們覺得不要假裝更好。至少這樣會是最真實的情況。這就好像在上 千萬人面前拍音樂錄影帶一樣,只是唱的是現場,唯一一個可以搖滾的管道。我們只想讓 人們知道我們真正的靈魂。 I am grateful to the NFL for having us. And I am grateful to Bruno, who is a super talented young man for inviting us to be a part of his gig. I would do it all the same way again. 我感激NFL安排我們演出。我很感激Bruno Mars,這個超有天份的年輕人邀請我們參加 他的秀。就算再來一次,我還是會這麼做。 We, as a band, aspire to grow as musicians and songwriters, and to continue to play our guts out live onstage for anyone who wants to get their brains blown out. 我們身為一個樂團,除了會持續往音樂人與作曲人成長外,還會持續用全身心力去為那些 想要狂歡的朋友做現場表演。 Sincerely, Flea」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: nosweating 來自: (02/05 19:45)

02/05 23:34, , 1F
感謝翻譯! 紅椒對我來說已經是偶像的偶像般的地位了
02/05 23:34, 1F

02/05 23:34, , 2F
02/05 23:34, 2F

02/05 23:45, , 3F
不過還是造成了一些負面影響 相關報導下的留言真是...
02/05 23:45, 3F

02/05 23:46, , 4F
算了 hater gonna hate.
02/05 23:46, 4F

02/06 02:19, , 5F
02/06 02:19, 5F

02/06 04:08, , 6F
嗯... 期待John發文回應 雖然不太可能 XD
02/06 04:08, 6F

02/06 07:19, , 7F
關John啥事XD 搖滾名人堂他都不發表聲明了XDDD
02/06 07:19, 7F

02/07 02:33, , 8F
02/07 02:33, 8F
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