
看板RHCPs作者 (I want my Chili Peppers)時間17年前 (2008/04/24 10:35), 編輯推噓20(2000)
留言20則, 19人參與, 最新討論串1/5 (看更多)
HAVE A CHILI PEPPER EVERY SECOND EVERY MOMENT IN LIFE IT'S JUST FEELS SOOOOO RIGHT ! 被惡勢力打壓時請聽: Fight Like A Brave From the Album The Uplift Mofo Party Plan (1987) Fight like a brave Don't be a slave No one can tell you You've got to be afraid 當別人質疑你的態度的時候請聽Funky Crime From the Album The Uplift Mofo Party Plan (1987) Why do you do what you do I do what I want to do who said you could do what you do I told you who told me to I do what I want to do I do what I want to do funky crime funky crime don't you know funk's colors blind well I've committed a funky crime against a state of mind 遊行的時候請聽: Higher Ground From the Album Mother's Milk (1989) People Keep on learnin' Soldiers Keep on warrin' World, Keep on turnin' Cause it won't be too long. Powers Keep on lyin', While your people Keep on dyin' World, Keep on turnin', Cause it won't be too long. 雨中裸奔的時候請聽Naked in the Rain From the Album Blood Sugar Sex Magik (1991) Naked in the rain Doctor Doolittle what's your secret Give it to me doctor Don't keep it 孤單寂寞,覺得想逃避請聽Under the Bridget From the Album Blood Sugar Sex Magik (1991) I don't ever want to feel Like I did that day Take me to the place I love Take me all the way 想亂跳暴衝請聽Give it Away From the Album Blood Sugar Sex Magik (1991) Give it away give it away give it away give it away now Give it away give it away give it away give it away now Give it away give it away give it away give it away now I can't tell if I'm a kingpin or a pauper 坐飛機的時候請聽Aeroplane From the Album One Hot Minute (1995) I like pleasure spiked w/pain Music is my aeroplane It's my aeroplane Songbird sweet and sour Jane It's my aeroplane 閒閒坐在咖啡廳的時候請聽Coffee Shop From the Album One Hot Minute (1995) Meet me at the coffee shop We can dance like Iggy Pop Another go in the parking lot Freak the cheek on your hot spot 唱兒歌給嬰兒聽請唱Pea From the Album One Hot Minute (1995) I'm a little pea I love the sky and the trees I'm a teeny tiny little ant Checking out this and that I am nothing So you have nothing to hide And I'm a pacifist So I can fuck your shit up Oh yea I'm small Fuck you asshole You homophobic redneck dick You're big and tough and macho You can kick my ass So fucking what 安眠曲請唱Porcelain From the Album Californication (1999) Porcelain Are you wasting away in your skin Are you missing the love of your kin Nodding and melting and fading away Little lune All day Little lune... 開車的時候請聽Road trippin' From the Album Californication (1999) Blue you sit so pretty West of the one Sparkles light with yellow icing Just a mirror for the sun Just a mirror for the sun Just a mirror for the sun These Smiling eyes are just a mirror for 等著進場看嗆辣演唱會的時候請聽By the Way From the Album By The Way (2002) Standing in line to See the show tonight And there's a light of Heavy glow By the way I tried to say I'd be there waiting for 春風微微吹在臉上的時候請聽Zephyr Song From the Album By The Way (2002) Fly away on my Zephyr I feel it more then ever And in this perfect weather We'll find a place together Fly on my wing 電視很難看的時候請聽Throw Away Your Television From the Album By The Way (2002) Throw away your television Time to make this clean decision Master waits for it's collision now It's a repeat of a story told It's a repeat and it's getting old BBQ的時候請聽Cabron From the Album By The Way (2002) Cabron Cabron Cabron Cabron I come around and make peace get down have a barbecue Let's keep the moon awake and do electric boogaloo I am small but I am strong You see I'm just like you If you only knew That I'm just like you 結婚時請聽Hard to Concentrate From the Album Stadium Arcadium (2006) Do you want me to show up for duty and Serve this woman and honor her beauty and Finally you have found something perfect and Finally you have found... yourself With me... will... you... agree to take This man... into your world... And now... we are as one... 心愛的寵物過世的時候請聽Death of a Martian From the Album Stadium Arcadium (2006) Lots of love just keep it comin' Making something out of nothin' These are the best that I I don't know how to say Losin' what I love today These are the best that I Lots of love just keep it comin' Making something out of nothin' These are the best that I I don't know what to say Look at what I lost today Feeling Ultra Funky的時候請聽Hump de bump From the Album Stadium Arcadium (2006) Hump de bump doop bodu Bump de hump doop bop Hump de bump doop bodu Bump de hump doop bodu Hump de bump doop bop Bump de hump doop bodu Bump bump -- Our parents discovered themselves; we are discovering each other~~ >>d(*_*)b<< -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/24 10:39, , 1F
在咖啡廳聽coffee shop會被旁邊的白眼喔 XDD
04/24 10:39, 1F

04/24 11:24, , 2F
推Under the Bridget 真的讓我度過不少難熬的時光!!
04/24 11:24, 2F

04/24 11:33, , 3F
大推under the bridge! 在美國孤單時聽真是爽!
04/24 11:33, 3F

04/24 23:39, , 4F
純推 PEA
04/24 23:39, 4F

04/25 20:14, , 5F
XD..生小孩的時候可以聽..Good Time Boys
04/25 20:14, 5F

04/28 20:38, , 6F
04/28 20:38, 6F

04/30 23:13, , 7F
04/30 23:13, 7F

05/01 02:35, , 8F
推 好文
05/01 02:35, 8F

05/01 18:19, , 9F
good job!
05/01 18:19, 9F

05/05 19:02, , 10F
沒錯! 應該被推倒的! 推!
05/05 19:02, 10F

05/09 00:58, , 11F
05/09 00:58, 11F

05/10 13:15, , 12F
我也很愛Under the Bridge 尤其是覺得孤單的時候
05/10 13:15, 12F

05/13 17:23, , 13F
話說 唱Pea給嬰兒聽不太好唄XDD
05/13 17:23, 13F

05/14 12:05, , 14F
05/14 12:05, 14F

05/22 08:58, , 15F
耍憂鬱時可以聽 Scar tissue
05/22 08:58, 15F

06/13 01:46, , 16F
06/13 01:46, 16F

06/26 17:52, , 17F
06/26 17:52, 17F

07/08 00:57, , 18F
throw away your television!!!!!
07/08 00:57, 18F

09/06 18:45, , 19F
09/06 18:45, 19F

04/30 02:00, , 20F
04/30 02:00, 20F
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文章代碼(AID): #183_7-7q (RHCPs)