
看板Pulp作者 (啪啪啪吹吹泡泡糖*)時間16年前 (2009/05/08 20:54), 編輯推噓10(1000)
留言10則, 3人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
http://jarviscocker.net/ 現在正在live唷 (法國時間...現在是差六吧?) FRIDAY 8th MAY 12 - 2pm - BAND REHEARSAL 2 - 3pm - IMPROVISATIONS ON A THEME (throughout the course of the exhibition a box will be available in the gallery into which members of thepublic can post titles, phrases, suggestions, lyrics or anything else thatthe band can then base improvisations around. During this hour the bandwill create a number of pieces based on selections of this material). 3 - 4pm - AEROBICS CLASS4 - 5pm - BRING AN INSTRUMENT (members of the public are invited to bringan instrument with them & play along with the band. Amplification will beavailable for electric instruments). 5 - 6pm - GUEST PERFORMANCE (an invited guest will play with the band) SATURDAY 9th MAY 12 - 2pm - BAND REHEARSAL 2- 3pm - BRING AN INSTRUMENT 3 - 4pm - DANCING (the band will play an hour of music designed toencourage people to dance. Dress appropriately) 4 - 6pm - SET-UP FOR OUTDOOR PERFORMANCE (weather permitting) 6 - 7pm - OUTDOOR PERFORMANCE (the band will play a short open-air concertjust outside the gallery) SUNDAY 10th MAY 12 - 2pm - BAND REHEARSAL 2 - 3pm - QUIET HOUR (an hour of the softest music the band can play) 3 - 4pm - GUEST PERFORMANCE 4 - 6pm - REVIEW OF THE WEEK (the band will play music written over the course of the past 6 days) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/09 01:41, , 1F
05/09 01:41, 1F

05/09 16:47, , 2F
05/09 16:47, 2F

05/09 21:02, , 3F
05/09 21:02, 3F

05/09 21:12, , 4F
05/09 21:12, 4F

05/09 21:58, , 5F
05/09 21:58, 5F

05/09 22:49, , 6F
現在真的有了!!Further Complications!!
05/09 22:49, 6F

05/09 22:59, , 7F
05/09 22:59, 7F

05/09 23:06, , 8F
05/09 23:06, 8F

05/09 23:20, , 9F
我都一直是斷斷續續的 有點痛苦@@
05/09 23:20, 9F

05/10 00:10, , 10F
唱完收工 下次再來XD
05/10 00:10, 10F
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文章代碼(AID): #1A12jkfA (Pulp)