Re: [情報] 新專輯五月發行!!

看板Pulp作者 (J. H.)時間16年前 (2009/03/07 14:10), 編輯推噓4(400)
留言4則, 4人參與, 最新討論串2/6 (看更多)
Pitchfork也有消息了: (那張圖是新輯封面嗎?太妙!!XDDDDD) 除了新歌消息,賈伯解釋了他大鬍子的由來: Most importantly, Jarvis finally explains his recent abundance of facial hair: "I grew it to keep my face warm in the Arctic and then I kind of got attached to it. (The amount of grey in it horrified me at first but now I think it acts as a handy reminder of my own mortality.)" 果然跟我先前猜的一樣,是為了臉部保暖(XD), 而此人又是那種一但養成習慣就很難改的人....XDrz 看來他會好一陣子都呈現大鬍子狀態了吧!XD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: footballitis 來自: (03/07 14:13)

03/07 16:21, , 1F
請他夏天來台灣 或許他就會受不了太熱而刮掉鬍子XD
03/07 16:21, 1F

03/08 21:39, , 2F
03/08 21:39, 2F

03/09 20:26, , 3F
請他來台灣 就不用去英國看他了 > <
03/09 20:26, 3F

03/10 02:01, , 4F
"abundance of facial hair" 這句寫的好好笑
03/10 02:01, 4F
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