Re: What's Chad doing now?

看板Mansun作者 (有團當追直需追)時間7年前 (2017/10/13 12:42), 編輯推噓2(200)
留言2則, 2人參與, 6年前最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
回個舊文 昨天看Mansun的臉書討論群組 有人找到了Chad現在在幹嘛 那篇雖然討論熱烈但後來被刪除了 相信是不想替Chad的私人生活帶來困擾 只是讓歌迷知道他究竟在幹嘛 Chad當年去當救護車司機是真的 而他現在是個物理治療師 也有在做腦神經受損復健的工作 空閒的時候會去當海上救生艇的義工 感覺是個充滿正面力量的人 現在就不復當年帥氣 是個壯碩有肚子、鬍子比頭髮多的大叔惹 為了保護他私生活(X) 不讓大家印象毀滅(O) 就不貼照片惹 ※ 引述《yijuan (Lost in a melody)》之銘言: : 想必大家應該都很好奇這個問題。 : 從昨天開始爬9/7 Paul跟Andie的線上Q&A, : Andie透漏了一點端倪...... : eleanorcheapskae_06 wrote: : Hi guys .. : Not to throw a spanner into the works.. but why isnt Chad here today ?? : ( you dont ask you never know )and why has his online presence barely : been felt unlike Paul and Andie : :D : Andie: : He had a cardiac arrest to deal with, or a limb displacement. No. He has : decided to retire from music completely and persue a career as a medic. : He is happy in this role and we must respect that. Total shame really, as : he was quite the rock god in his prime. His drivimg was never too hot, so : having a big plastic car with flashing lights all over it, and sirens bleating : to warn other road users of his presence will no doubt be beneficial to some. : And if he does decide one day to return to form, well he'll be able to get : us to the gig very quickly won't he. : ------------ : 前面有一篇Andie也有說到:「Mansun現階段不可能重組,除非Chad不當救護車司機, : Stove不再忙於清掃Toyota汽車廠的地板。」(真是酸啊)所以Chad現在的職業是一個 : 救護車司機.......前面還以為Andie是開玩笑的,這篇很認真,應該所言不假。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

10/17 00:48, 7年前 , 1F
10/17 00:48, 1F

03/30 17:34, 6年前 , 2F
03/30 17:34, 2F
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