[分享] Dark Mavis翻譯

看板Mansun作者 (西永)時間13年前 (2010/08/12 17:02), 編輯推噓6(603)
留言9則, 6人參與, 最新討論串1/1
果然還是灰燈籠最讓人難以割捨。 Wait around, I'll be walking quite a while 空守著,我會徘徊上好一陣子 Don't be late 可別太遲了 Hard to take, Vicar twists and gets away 難以接受這事實,牧師旋身離去 His lipstick's running, his dress is stunning 抹上口紅,換上令人讚嘆的美麗長裙 He's got high heels on 踩著高跟鞋 And his flock don't care now 而他們信徒現在不在乎 Mavis what will he wear Mavis到底會穿些什麼 In the path of righteous man 對個君子來說 There is rubble where I stand 我是他康莊大道上的殘磚破瓦 I'll be the one 我會孤身一人 You can kiss his vice 親吻他的罪孽 Until the end of the monde 直至世界末日 Vicar stay, 'cos your lipstick smeared away from your face 等一下牧師,因為你的唇膏塗到臉上了 Vicar twist, grey pajamas in your case 牧師掉頭,皮箱裡有著灰色睡衣 His tights are nylon, his nails by Revlon 穿著尼龍緊身褲,露華濃的指甲油 He's got high heels on 腳下踩著高跟鞋 And his flock don't care now 而他們信徒現在不在乎 Mavis what will he wear Mavis到底會穿些什麼 And if you should see me passing by 而如果哪天我們擦肩而過 Do not disturb me as I fly 請不要阻止我遠走高飛 Though I am far away 即使如此遙不可及 This is where I'll be 這裡也會是我的棲身之處 另外個人專輯是不是跟牧師一樣遠走高飛了(哭)。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

08/12 21:50, , 1F
08/12 21:50, 1F

08/12 21:59, , 2F
08/12 21:59, 2F

08/13 00:50, , 3F
好厲害!!可以期待灰燈籠全部翻完嗎 :DD
08/13 00:50, 3F

08/13 06:06, , 4F
08/13 06:06, 4F

08/13 06:12, , 5F
08/13 06:12, 5F

08/13 06:13, , 6F
棒~ 西永版友真的是太酷了!!!
08/13 06:13, 6F

08/13 23:46, , 7F
08/13 23:46, 7F

09/12 01:04, , 8F
09/12 01:04, 8F

09/15 01:10, , 9F
09/15 01:10, 9F
文章代碼(AID): #1COxYiwu (Mansun)
文章代碼(AID): #1COxYiwu (Mansun)