[分享]嘗試翻譯Wide Open Space

看板Mansun作者 (西永)時間15年前 (2010/03/25 01:36), 編輯推噓10(1001)
留言11則, 8人參與, 最新討論串1/1
初來乍到很害羞,但我真的被Mansun迷得亂七八糟,尤其是這首歌裡頭透露的疏離感 實在是太誘人了(羞)。有所耳聞Mansun的歌詞相當耐人尋味,所以已經盡我所能翻出來 ,也希望可以藉由這種方式更了解他們的作品! I'm in a wide open space, I'm standing 我在一望無垠的空間裡,靜立 I'm all alone and staring into space 獨自一人的怔忡出神 It's always quiet thru' my ceiling 這個空間只有寂靜充斥 The roof comes in and crashes in a daze 屋頂在我頭暈目眩中塌毀 I'm in a wide open space, it's freezing 我置身在一望無際的空間裡,溫度沒有意義 You'll never get to heaven with a smile on your face from me 你無法從我身上得到微笑解脫的離開 I'm in a wide open space, I'm staring 我置身在廣袤的空間裡,著迷的注視 There's something quite bizarre I cannot see 那裡有我無法理解的匪夷所思 I'm on the top of a hill, I'm lonely 我隻身兀立於山頂 There's someone here to shout to miles away 這裡有人朝幾哩外嘶喊 I could be back in my house, for I care 如果我介意的話我會回屋裡 They do not hear me, it's the same old case 他們不會聽見我的聲息,一如往昔 I'm in a wide open space, it's freezing 我置身在一望無際的空間裡,溫度沒有意義 You'll never get to heaven with a smile on your face from me 你無法從我身上得到微笑解脫的離開 I'm in a wide open space, I'm staring 我置身在廣袤的空間裡,著迷的注視 There's something quite bizarre I cannot see 那裡有我無法理解的匪夷所思 I'm in a wide open space, I'm standing 我在一望無垠的空間裡,怔立 I'm all alone and staring into space 獨自一人的怔忡出神 It's always quiet thru' my ceiling 這個空間只有寂靜 The roof comes in and crashes in a daze 屋頂在我頭暈目眩中塌毀 I'm in a wide open space, it's freezing 我置身在一望無際的空間裡,溫度沒有意義 You'll never get to heaven with a smile on your face from me 你無法從我身上得到微笑解脫的離開 I'm in a wide open space, I'm staring 我置身在廣袤的空間裡,著迷的注視 There's something quite bizarre I cannot see 那裡有我無法理解的匪夷所思 I'm in a wide open space, it's freezing 我置身在一望無際的空間裡,溫度沒有意義 You'll never get to heaven with a smile on your face from me 你無法從我身上得到微笑解脫的離開 I'm in a wide open space, I'm staring 我置身在廣袤的空間裡,著迷的注視 There's something quite bizarre I cannot see 那裡有我無法理解的匪夷所思 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/25 06:52, , 1F
翻的很棒! 推! 下一篇就是自介了!(擅自要求。XDD)
03/25 06:52, 1F

03/25 10:08, , 2F
歡迎新血阿 (也敲自介~~~)
03/25 10:08, 2F

03/25 10:28, , 3F
03/25 10:28, 3F

03/25 12:18, , 4F
原PO是我認識的人嗎?XD 認錯的話很抱歉 也推自介!!XD
03/25 12:18, 4F

03/25 15:29, , 5F
閒聊一下 大家有跟到paul昨天被盜facebook帳號的事件嗎 XD
03/25 15:29, 5F

03/25 17:06, , 6F
03/25 17:06, 6F

03/25 17:15, , 7F
囧 沒跟到
03/25 17:15, 7F

03/25 18:00, , 8F
yijuan難不成是我的噗友? XD
03/25 18:00, 8F

03/26 00:11, , 9F
03/26 00:11, 9F

03/26 12:09, , 10F
那就沒認錯了XD,我是Jessica :)
03/26 12:09, 10F

03/26 13:19, , 11F
有看到始末哈哈 有個女生還堅持PAUL傳騷擾訊息給她XD
03/26 13:19, 11F
文章代碼(AID): #1BgasDLd (Mansun)
文章代碼(AID): #1BgasDLd (Mansun)