[日記] Livedoor 日記 (2023.11.01)

看板MaiKuraki (渡月橋)作者 (矇面加菲獅)時間10月前 (2023/11/01 22:33), 編輯推噓0(000)
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New month 2023年11月01日 https://livedoor.blogimg.jp/maikuraki1208/imgs/6/7/67ad6d2e.jpg
Even if someone says something terrible to you, if you don't accept the words, the words will return to the person who said them. I'll say it again and again.. You are love You are amazing Even lf you don't think it.. Forgive yourself. Yes,Love yourself. You know it.You can do it. always give my love to Y☺U & I You know.. Everything's gonna be alright. Even if you feel like you're alone, you're not.. at least I'm alone too..but I'm not alone.You are there.We are there. We are one. Everything's gonna be ok.things get better. あなたが悲しみにのみこまれて涙するときも、 愛に守られていますように ☺ 11月も、一緒にみんなとLOVEをシェアできたらいいね BTW.. https://livedoor.blogimg.jp/maikuraki1208/imgs/b/a/ba3173c7.jpg
If I have to say..2 meals a day. Let's take care of each other's helth. 大丈夫 乗り越えられる 喜怒哀楽ぜんぶ丸ごと ありのままで 愛シテル 愛ガトウ 心LOVE & PEACE♡ 11.1 ∞☺♡unconditional L♡VE まいK -- 携帯の待ち受けには 笑顔のMai-Kがいる -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MaiKuraki/M.1698849218.A.60D.html
文章代碼(AID): #1bGc72OD (MaiKuraki)
文章代碼(AID): #1bGc72OD (MaiKuraki)