[情報] 有關專輯曲目的新消息
Looks like the track descriptions we posted a few weeks ago
were right again. In the recent issue of "Hammer",a German metal magazine,
more info was revealed about 'Meteora' and it's specific tracks.
The first lyrics from Meteora that we know of were revealed in
the 6 page article. In "Don't Stay", one sentence of it is
"Forget our memories, possibilities." It may not be much, but
i'm sure all Linkin Park fans would like to know every single detail
about 'Meteora'.
Nobody's Listening is the "pure hip-hop track" that Mike talked
about a few days ago, and the "pure electronical track" on 'Meteora' is
"Session". Both songs do not feature guitars.
Also mentioned was the fact that Chester's singing and Brad's guitar playing
blow everything away on 'Meteora'.
And finally, a quote from Chester: "My dreams came true. But the life,
the reality, can't get pushed away. We sold millions of cd's, but that
doesnt mean that my personal problems disappeared."
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