Re: [Gaga] GAGA臉書更新關於台灣場售票

看板LadyGaga作者 (hedonist)時間13年前 (2012/04/04 09:15), 編輯推噓19(19014)
留言33則, 11人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
※ 引述《KID543 (Jaqueline)》之銘言: : : To all Little Monsters in Taipei! : Gaga will be performing at Nangan World Trade Center May 17th and May 18th! : Get your tickets now before they're gone. : : ----- : 看來加場售票狀況真的不妙阿...連GAGA都出來催票了好尷尬 我覺得告洋狀是必要的,要把這種惡行反應出去!! 這邊獻醜一下,不知道這種的洋狀行不行,敝人英文很一般啊! ==================== Dear Gaga, We are little monsters from Taiwan, and are OUTRAGEOUS about the concert organizer. Sadly, we have: 1 The most IRRESPONSIBLE sponser, which at first sold the tickers ONLY at Taipei. Such relentless ticket-selling policy made other little monsters living in mid- and southern- Taiwan nearly IMPOSSIBLE to buy the tickets. 2. The WORST concert place EVER IN TAIWAN to hold the BTW Ball! The audio effect there is totally a DISASTER! Besides, the floor is shaky! The organizer chose this place only because it charges less. The organizer merely want to make money from little monsters and IGNORE all other crucial details that hold a SUCCESSFUL concert. 3. The EXTREMELY HIGH ticker price! The truth is: our price $434(NTD12800) is the most expensive ticket among all other Asia countries. And this price is UNTOLERABLE and UNREASONABLE to ALL little monsters in Taiwan! Reason: The most expensive ticket combines with the poorest place. How can we stand for this? Gaga, we love you but we cannot take it. If you will come to Taiwan next time, please do not cooperate with KHAM. Love you as always. Little monsters from Taiwan. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

04/04 09:19, , 1F
總覺得LOVE YOU跟IDIOTS放在一起不太好,或許idiot太不好聽
04/04 09:19, 1F
哦哦 我是想表達"我雖然愛你但我不想被主辦單位當白癡消費" ※ 編輯: hedonist891 來自: (04/04 09:22)

04/04 09:28, , 2F
我覺得重點有寫到至少說明為什麼不滿的原因 場地不等於票價
04/04 09:28, 2F

04/04 09:30, , 3F
可以再補充說明第4點 主辦態度的惡劣.....
04/04 09:30, 3F

04/04 09:35, , 4F
04/04 09:35, 4F

04/04 09:35, , 5F
04/04 09:35, 5F
你可以把認為少的在打上來!!我現在要出門了XD 應該是po到fb吧,但我還真的找不到你們說的那頁面... ※ 編輯: hedonist891 來自: (04/04 09:39)

04/04 09:46, , 7F
04/04 09:46, 7F

04/04 09:56, , 8F
04/04 09:56, 8F

04/04 09:57, , 9F
04/04 09:57, 9F

04/04 09:59, , 10F
大推!倒數第二句可改成we love u but we can't take it.
04/04 09:59, 10F

04/04 10:00, , 11F
If u will come to Taiwan next time, please do not
04/04 10:00, 11F

04/04 10:01, , 12F
cooperate with KHAM.
04/04 10:01, 12F

04/04 10:05, , 13F
奇怪我一直看不到那篇文章 我想看留言啦
04/04 10:05, 13F

04/04 10:07, , 14F
我也沒看到這篇留言 = = 難道有設定嗎 = ="
04/04 10:07, 14F

04/04 10:10, , 15F
04/04 10:10, 15F

04/04 10:10, , 16F
或是把LADY GAGA加入應該就看到了
04/04 10:10, 16F

04/04 11:53, , 17F
告洋狀 大不了Gaga取消演唱會 目前很難有啥變化了
04/04 11:53, 17F

04/04 13:03, , 18F
04/04 13:03, 18F

04/04 13:56, , 19F
下次不會來啦 想也知道
04/04 13:56, 19F

04/04 15:22, , 20F
04/04 15:22, 20F

04/04 15:22, , 21F
04/04 15:22, 21F

04/04 15:25, , 22F
只能說這種事情太複雜了 不是告個洋狀就解決了XD
04/04 15:25, 22F

04/04 15:54, , 23F
GaGa也沒法子做什麼吧.. 看到她的留言讓我覺得超心痛的..
04/04 15:54, 23F

04/04 15:56, , 24F
很難過丫..一個全球天后 心地又好 ..被搞成這樣....心痛丫
04/04 15:56, 24F

04/04 15:58, , 25F
04/04 15:58, 25F

04/04 15:59, , 26F
我買了4800 3個朋友要去..第二場次的..
04/04 15:59, 26F

04/04 15:59, , 27F
04/04 15:59, 27F

04/04 16:01, , 28F
04/04 16:01, 28F

04/04 16:02, , 29F
如果真的價格是他們那邊同意後才售...臉也綠了...= =
04/04 16:02, 29F

04/04 16:05, , 30F
其實, 黃牛的臉也綠了吧...爽
04/04 16:05, 30F
※ 編輯: hedonist891 來自: (04/04 20:30)

04/05 03:50, , 31F
我相信 有話直說 也是 GAGA 的個性 因為這樣 我們才
04/05 03:50, 31F

04/05 03:50, , 32F
愛 ~
04/05 03:50, 32F

04/06 19:58, , 33F
強烈推 一定要讓GAGA知道台灣歌迷的真正心聲
04/06 19:58, 33F
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