[情報] 10/16 LIVE BLOG

看板Keane作者 (My Shadow)時間11年前 (2012/10/13 00:46), 編輯推噓2(207)
留言9則, 3人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
注意! 下禮拜二KEANE官網又有LIVE BLOG啦~~~~~~~~~ yeah!!!!好期待哦!!!!!!! (雖然每次都因為時差的關係沒辦法follow到最後…不過還是開心啊!) We're very pleased to announce that, on Tuesday next week (Oct 16th) we're heading to the Netherlands to blog live from Keane's sold out show at Amsterdam's Heineken Music Hall. Join us here at km.com for lots of photos and updates before, during and after the show. http://www.keanemusic.com/archive-comment.php?id=3636 -- 「Good warming up and not too much talking is the key to preserving your voice.」 says Tom Chaplin -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

10/16 21:03, , 1F
10/16 21:03, 1F

10/16 21:24, , 2F
10/16 21:24, 2F

10/16 21:28, , 3F
10/16 21:28, 3F

10/18 11:46, , 4F
Amsterdam的seilist好啊~歐美場stage design都一樣,只有
10/18 11:46, 4F

10/18 11:47, , 5F
asia tour不同.. 看Amsterdam sold out55000人~Paris場也只
10/18 11:47, 5F

10/18 11:47, , 6F
10/18 11:47, 6F

10/18 11:48, , 7F
sorry,打錯.. Amsterdam是5,500人~~
10/18 11:48, 7F

10/18 14:36, , 8F
我們這個背景是Bexhill的De La Warr Pavilion...
10/18 14:36, 8F

10/18 14:37, , 9F
10/18 14:37, 9F
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文章代碼(AID): #1GU4bLKB (Keane)