[轉錄][新聞] 蘇打綠活潑好動 / Teenage 8月份

看板Fann_Wong (范文芳)作者 (咕嚕咕嚕)時間16年前 (2008/08/07 16:16), 編輯推噓0(000)
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※ [本文轉錄自 Sodagreen 看板] 作者: reeneho (阿蠻) 看板: Sodagreen 標題: [新聞] 蘇打綠活潑好動 / Teenage 8月份 時間: Thu Aug 7 13:06:26 2008 蘇打綠活潑好動 別在意他們瘋狂行為和玩笑,蘇打綠臺上臺下一樣好動愛玩鬧。記者Bang Wei-Tin和他們 聊聊。 蘇打綠在2007迅速爆紅之后,公認夸張、不尊重長輩但非常有實力。** 成軍超過4年的蘇 打綠一直以來以校園演唱為主,但是實力和滿滿的熱情吸引了樂壇大哥制作并發行他們的 專輯。但是他們到了孕育《小情歌》的第二張專輯《小宇宙》才開始在主流界收到矚目。 蘇打綠也在2007年的臺灣金曲獎擊敗搖滾老手如五月天,成功拿下最佳樂團這個殊榮。 于是他們乘風破浪,在臺北小巨蛋成功辦了場萬人演唱會。現在他們再次來到新加坡宣傳 即將到來的演唱會《陪我歌唱》,蘇打綠簡直是現今國語樂壇最火紅的樂團! 打打鬧鬧 TEENAGE遇到蘇打綠,感覺上像是別人慶祝會的不速之客;他們之間的關系好到記者 像是入侵者一樣!但是沒多久這群愛玩鬧的人好像看到老朋友一樣和我們打招呼,心情一 下子放松了不少。訪問一開頭,青峰(主唱)、阿龔(鍵盤/中提琴)、馨儀(貝斯)、 家凱(電吉他)、阿福(木吉他)、小威(鼓),忍不住爆彼此的料。 “最近小威習慣睡前看相聲,有時候我會聽到他在睡夢中偷笑!哦哦還有他會做出很奇怪 的聲音!”團長阿福爆料的同時,其他團員笑成一團。 他們之間密切的關系在訪問中很明顯地看出來(“我們原本想一起住,后來想想都已經常 常看到彼此,根本沒差。”),但是對音樂的看法卻不一定都是一樣的。家凱補充說,“ 因為我們現在還很年輕,也還正在發覺我們個別想要做甚麼。但是團員之間還是給予彼此 最大的鼓勵和支持。” 正正經經 當然蘇打綠并不是一面倒搞笑好玩,他們也是有正經的時候。提到有關之前媒體利用青峰 網誌里提到有某位藝人銷售榜灌水,推說青峰在影射吳克群,青峰就一肚子氣,“我最討 厭人家這樣扭曲我說的話,氣死我了。” 這時,為了緩和緊張的氣氛,小威說:“對啊!我們都愛無緣無故生氣。就好象報章常說 家凱很帥,我就超不爽的。明明就我比較帥!哈哈!” 這六人為善也不遺余力,曾經參與了不少義賣會,為不幸兒童及青少年提供幫助。“我覺 得我們六人都很幸福,能有機會完成我們的夢想。但是這些孩子們卻沒有這樣的機會。我 想借由義賣會這樣子的活動讓大家更加注意到他們。” 陪我歌唱 來臨的8月2日,大家會在Max Pavilion的臺上看到這活潑的六人!在去年11月征服了臺北 小巨蛋之后,大家的要求提高了,他們自己也心知肚明。 青峰開玩笑說:“只有我們六人和歌詞不會改變,但是歌單會和小巨蛋非常不同。雖然演 唱會特別嘉賓還未確定,但一定不會讓歌迷失望!” 至于是否會演唱英文歌,青峰故作神秘,“我們上次唱過‘Creep’了,這次肯定不會重 復。但是英文歌嘛一定會有的啦!我不能再說了!說多了就沒有驚喜了!” 額外報道: 關于新加坡 蘇打綠已經是新加坡的熟客了,于是我們問問他們對我們這個彈丸小國最珍惜的回憶。不 稀奇的是,幾乎都是關于吃的! 問:來新加坡必吃的食物是甚麼? 大家:文東記的海南雞飯!我們超常去的!還有綠蛋糕! 阿福:和蟑螂 青峰:是枷椰啦,傻瓜!哈哈!(蟑螂廣東發音音似枷椰) 問:覺得新加坡粉絲如何? 馨儀:他們都好有禮貌,一直感謝我們來。好像老朋友。 問:最喜歡新加坡甚麼地方? 小威:范文芳!她是我夢中情人!但是我太圓嘟嘟了她不喜歡(笑)。我不介意她當我們 的特別嘉賓耶! Effervescent sodagreen Don't mind their crazy antics and rambunctious jokes. SODAGREEN is just as bubble-licious in person as they are on stage. Bang Wei-Tin checks in for a friendly chat. Up-and-coming rock band sodagreen has earned a rep for being loud, irreverent and uber talented since their meteoric rise in 2007. Formed more than 4 years ago, sodagreen remained largely an underground indie band, preferring to play in campus concerts. But their unbridled talent and overflowing enthusiasm quickly caught the ears of music honchos who offered them a recording deal. However, it wasn't until their second ulbum, Little Universe - which spawned the hit single "Little Love Song" - did sodagreen become a mainstream pop success. Since then, the group has won the much-coveted Best Band in 2007's Golden Melody Awards, beating rock veterans like Mayday to the title. Riding on the waves of their success, sodagreen's follow-up act was to stage a record-breaking concert in Taipei Arena. Now back in Singapore for the second time to promote their upcoming concert, Come Sing With me, sodagreen is arguably Mandopop's fastest rising rock band! CLOWNING ACT When Teenage meets with the rambunctious sextet, it feels as if we're crashing someone else's party: they're so tight-knit it's almost like we are intruding! But we're immediately put at ease by the rowdy bunch who greets us like we're old friends. For a start, the sextet, consisting of Qing Feng (lead vocalist), Ah Gong (keyboard/viola), Xin Yi (bass), Jiakai (electric guitar), Ah Fu (acoustic guitar), and Xiao Wei (drummer), readily dishes out the dirt on one another without prompting. "Recently Xiao Wei has gotten into the habit of watching Chinese cross-talk before he sleeps. Sometimes I'll still hear him sniggering to himself in his sleep! Oh yes, he makes funny noises too!" band leader Ah Fu, divulges, while the rest of the band breaks out in peals of laughter. While their close bond is evident during the interview ("We wanted to move in together, but we see each other so often, so what's the point?"), they did not always share the same views about music. Jia Kai elaborates, "Right now, we're still really young and just discovering what we want to do individually. But we have lots of support for one another." SENSE & SENSIBILITIES But it isn't all just wit and banter with this lively bunch - there's a serious and dark side to sodagreen too. Referring to reports of the alleged bad blood between Qing Feng and Kenji Wu (Qing Feng posted a blog entry allegedly accusing Kenji of inflating sales figure), Qing Feng reveals his none-too-happy feelings of being misunderstood by the press. "I hate it when my words get twisted that way, it pisses me off," he hisses angrily. In an attempted to diffuse the tension, Xiao Wei adds, "Yeah, we all love to get angry for no reason. For example, I get angry when papers say Jia Kai is good looking when the trouth is I'm better looking! Ha ha!" The guys are also fervent do-gooders. Sodagreen has lent their name to causes that involve young children and teenagers who have suffered sexual abuse. "I think the six of us are so lucky to be able to fulfill our dreams whereas these kids lack such opportunity. We want to help them by getting involved with charity auctions and creating awareness for them." COME SING WITH ME This August, you'll be able to catch the fun-loving six in person, when they perform at the Max Pavilion on 2 August! Having already conquered Taipei Arena last November with a repertoire of classic hits, expectations are running high - and the guys know it. Joking that the "only things that remain the same are the lyrics and the six of us", Qing Feng enthuses, "Our line up of songs will be very different from our last show in Taipei, although we've yet to decide who our special guest will be. But we will surely not disappoint our fans!" As to whether the band will perform in English, Qing Feng answered cryptically, "We've already sang 'Creep' in Singapore, so I definitely won't do that again. But English songs, yes! We can't reveal more, otherwise there'll be no surprises!" EXTRA: SINGAPORE DREAMING No stranger to our little sunny island, we ask sodagreen what their best memories of Singapore were, and to no one's surprise, they involved mouthwatering local fare! Q: What's your must-have dish when you are here in Singapore? Everyone: Hainanese Chicken Rice from Boon Tong Kee! We go there all the time. And pandan cake! Ah Fu: And cockroach. Qing Feng: No it's kaya, you dork! (The Cantonese pronunciation of cockroach sounds like kaya) Ha ha! Q: What do you think of Singapore fans? Xin Yi: They're very polite and always thanking us for coming. They're like our longtime friends. Q: What do you like most about Singapore? Xiao Wei: Fann Wong! She's my dream lover. Unfortunately I'm a little too tubby for her (laughs). I don't mind her being our concert's special guest! ** 備注:我照翻不誤但是這位可愛的記者啊, 我想他不是負面的意思,因為整篇報道都很歡樂。 只是又是一個愛用深奧的字眼但是用不對點 嘻嘻 這篇是打綠6月時候來做的訪問 上個月雜志就出版了 可是因為還可以購買到所以顧慮到雜志銷量 所以現在才放上來喲 最后是小威啊我想你年紀太小了范文芳不會愛的 人家名花有主了喲 (笑) -- What is sanity if chained to the wall? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

08/07 13:08,
小威: 明明就我比較帥!哈哈! 真好玩XD
08/07 13:08

08/07 13:23,
小威:明明就我比較帥 哈哈~~
08/07 13:23

08/07 13:23,
08/07 13:23

08/07 13:36,
08/07 13:36

08/07 14:05,
08/07 14:05

08/07 14:06,
08/07 14:06

08/07 14:09,
嗯樓上不要太緊張 我覺得是記者用錯詞匯 因為這兩個單子
08/07 14:09

08/07 14:10,
跟他整篇文很不搭 只是我不可以胡亂修改別人用詞
08/07 14:10

08/07 14:43,
什麼"公認誇張,不尊重長輩"????哪有+1 (大誤)
08/07 14:43

08/07 14:52,
08/07 14:52

08/07 15:53,
08/07 15:53

08/07 16:15,
08/07 16:15

08/07 16:15,
08/07 16:15
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
文章代碼(AID): #18cgzhUy (Fann_Wong)
文章代碼(AID): #18cgzhUy (Fann_Wong)