[影音] Brian - Taking Leave of You MV

看板FTTS作者 (LuPin)時間12年前 (2012/01/26 14:02), 編輯推噓6(602)
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Brian - Taking Leave of You feat. Tiger JK http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=_SnLPlablLM
這次的歌好好聽,MV拍的也很有感覺。 小布又更上層樓了啊!! 這次專輯會大發啊!!! 以下為歌詞英譯 In this darkness where no one is present In my heart that is caved with tears Traces of you are there and hurts me I'm trying to erase those traces now Yeah it’s too late now * I brush it off and stand up They say that love will come again Yes, I will leave you and send you off I will leave you So I think it’s time To let this die For you, I cried and laughed And you cried and laughed for me too My old love, who disappeared with the wind Now I will let you go And it’s too late now * repeat I sincerely hope that you will come back to me I waited for you Oh, my heart that hoped that you would return It has changed - I'm already - yeah, I'm already - yeah The crossroads of love that already split long ago Standing in front of it, your heart as changed And in my changed heart, I still carry the old feelings of attachment The times of our perfect memories are going back Only our talks that were hot in the cracks of my heart are repeating Memories will fade and go away but I will wait, come back - don't go too far I will listen to everything, please don't say it's the end Far far far far, far far far far, Don't go too far * repeat To let this die (x4) (Let go, let go) Put it to rest now (Let go, let go) All you gotta do is -- ╭─一等新郎官★───☆───★──☆───★───☆─╮ │─ │  │ │ │─ │─ │\│─ ╰☆───★───☆───★───☆───★─ψyihchyi ╯ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/26 15:59, , 1F
01/26 15:59, 1F

01/26 16:00, , 2F
超級不愛RAP的我這次Tiger JK 大哥我很愛^^b小布揮亭!!
01/26 16:00, 2F

01/26 17:51, , 3F
01/26 17:51, 3F

01/27 18:21, , 4F
01/27 18:21, 4F

01/28 01:32, , 5F
TIGER JK就是大名鼎鼎的醉虎啊!我現在才認出有眼不識泰
01/28 01:32, 5F

01/28 01:33, , 6F
山!他好像得過MAMA HIP HOP樂的終身成就獎之類的~
01/28 01:33, 6F

01/28 09:58, , 7F
01/28 09:58, 7F

01/28 11:13, , 8F
對 他是:)) 我好像看過他領獎時 老婆在下面很感動的影片
01/28 11:13, 8F
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文章代碼(AID): #1F8EoELk (FTTS)