[情報] 不知道選項有沒有MP?

看板DreamTheater作者 (阿飯)時間14年前 (2011/04/19 00:26), 編輯推噓8(808)
留言16則, 12人參與, 最新討論串1/3 (看更多)
原文:http://ppt.cc/qTIh DREAM THEATER - AN EXCLUSIVE LOOK INTO THE BAND'S SEARCH FOR A NEW DRUMMER New York, NY: A little more than a month after original drummer Mike Portnoy’ s sudden departure from Dream Theater, the band held three days of auditions in New York City. Over an amazing and productive three-day period, the band played, jammed and spoke candidly with seven of the world’s greatest drummers, learning about them musically, personally and professionally, and assessing the fit of each drummer’s incredible chops with the band’s trademark prog-rock sound. Dream Theater have been extremely sensitive to the fact that this is not only a monumental decision in their own lives, but also a critical moment in the lives of DT fans around the world. “The departure of our lifelong bandmate and friend was an unexpected and truly heartbreaking blow,” says guitarist John Petrucci. “The fact that as a result of that event we’d be introduced to seven infinitely capable and uniquely talented drummers was heartening.” Dream Theater would like to share with its fans some of the intense process, along with the musical joy, that went into choosing a new drummer. Who is the best fit behind the kit? Go to Dream Theater’s Facebook page on Thursday, 4/21 at 11 AM to sign up for the mailing list and to receive more details about an exclusive and intimate look at the auditions, and to find out exactly when and how the momentous announcement about the band’s new lineup will be made. Also on Facebook, fans will be able to find out information about the band’s upcoming 2011 World Tour. ------------------------------------------ 大家一起選鼓手!! 這齣已經演了半年多了, 是時候進入第二季了吧。 私心期盼MP歸隊 -____- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/19 10:15, , 1F
真的, 我覺得這七名裡面說不定有MP....
04/19 10:15, 1F

04/20 02:50, , 2F
04/20 02:50, 2F

04/20 03:05, , 3F
04/20 03:05, 3F

04/21 22:25, , 4F
04/21 22:25, 4F

04/21 23:23, , 5F
04/21 23:23, 5F

04/21 23:24, , 6F
04/21 23:24, 6F

04/22 00:35, , 7F
04/22 00:35, 7F

04/22 00:35, , 8F
不過蠻好奇那七個人到底有啥來頭 有人認識他們的嗎
04/22 00:35, 8F

04/22 01:48, , 9F
好像有ANGRA的前鼓手,還有mike mangini應該很多人認識
04/22 01:48, 9F

04/22 02:10, , 10F
& Thomas Lang、Marco Minnemann,都是在鼓手圈蠻有名的
04/22 02:10, 10F

04/22 11:24, , 11F
樓上兩樓說到的這三個來頭都超大的 大咖
04/22 11:24, 11F

04/22 16:14, , 12F
04/22 16:14, 12F

04/22 16:35, , 13F
有MP的話 還有得選嗎???
04/22 16:35, 13F

04/22 16:36, , 14F
04/22 16:36, 14F

05/11 06:10, , 15F
...他們的drum set都小的不合格!
05/11 06:10, 15F

07/21 16:37, , 16F
淚推二樓QQ 我只喜歡MP
07/21 16:37, 16F
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