[PSB ] Ultimate Pet Shop Boys

看板DepecheMode作者 (Blair Tennant )時間13年前 (2010/09/14 00:06), 編輯推噓4(405)
留言9則, 4人參與, 最新討論串1/1
又來A錢了 (/‵Д′)/~ ╧╧ On November 1st Parlophone will release "Ultimate Pet Shop Boys", a "comprehensive greatest hits collection", featuring 19 hit singles in chronological order from "West End girls" to "Love etc." The Special Edition version will feature a DVD containing a series of classic BBC TV performances from "Top Of The Pops" and other shows recorded over the last 25 years as well as Pet Shop Boys' celebrated Glastonbury Saturday night headline show from June which the Daily Telegraph judged to be "one of the most spectacular Glastonbury moments ever". The full track-listing will be on this site shortly. 重點就是那張DVD了!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! http://yfrog.com/nc3hpdj 如果這是封面......那真的很慘 XD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20100917分隔線 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.petshopboys.co.uk/news/2562/201009 官網限量版DVD的曲目 看起來很有誠意!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 以前版聚發的贈品類似這次DVD,不過當然是官方出品的畫質會比較好 ^o^ -- You're so extreme I want to take you home with me Come on, tell me one more time I don't mind Give me one more chance -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: blair39 來自: (09/14 00:07)

09/14 02:18, , 1F
09/14 02:18, 1F

09/14 12:19, , 2F
封面也太粗糙 當初看了那個圖就沒再看下去 沒想到是DVD
09/14 12:19, 2F

09/14 20:16, , 3F
09/14 20:16, 3F

09/14 20:17, , 4F
09/14 20:17, 4F

09/14 20:25, , 5F
09/14 20:25, 5F

09/14 20:29, , 6F
09/14 20:29, 6F

09/14 20:29, , 7F
09/14 20:29, 7F
※ 編輯: blair39 來自: (09/17 21:50)

09/18 10:21, , 8F
真的很像你給我們的贈品耶 XD (y) NO 快出新 DVD 啊,好久沒
09/18 10:21, 8F

09/18 10:22, , 9F
被 A 錢了... XD 不過這張封面真的很糟耶,可惜照片拍這麼好
09/18 10:22, 9F
※ 編輯: blair39 來自: (09/18 12:44)
文章代碼(AID): #1CZamUHt (DepecheMode)
文章代碼(AID): #1CZamUHt (DepecheMode)