[情報] Alan跟DM偷偷重組了!!!!!!!!!!!

看板DepecheMode作者 (永遠下手精準)時間15年前 (2010/02/19 17:10), 編輯推噓0(002)
留言2則, 2人參與, 最新討論串1/1
剛剛看Twitter嚇到 囧rz 看到2/17那場Teenage Cancer Trust演唱會的人真是太幸運了!!!!! Alan是那天的神秘佳賓,在安可曲Somebody時Alan上台彈鋼琴 保密得太周到了 Q_Q Youtube上有人拍了影片 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=miFFZe0X7_w
拍的人好像等介紹時才發現上台的人是Alan,感覺得出他拿相機的手都軟了XD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_9EK6BK9ws
這一個兩邊的臉都拍的很清楚 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q2umJr_dGpw
從頭到尾對著Alan XD 盜連幾張照片 :P http://tinyurl.com/ygoprkk 不知是不是角度問題,Alan有變瘦! http://tinyurl.com/ya7fyap 跟Alan講話講得超high的老馬團長XDD http://tinyurl.com/yd4emvg 愛的抱抱(誤) http://tinyurl.com/yksxo2q 大和解!!! 看了幾張一起表演照片,發現第一張真的是角度問題,所以就不貼表演照了XD Recoil網站有引述Alan說起這件事的經過... "Dave contacted me a few weeks back and asked if I'd be willing to join them on-stage. He assured me that everyone in the band was into the idea. I was very happy to accept, especially as it was all in a good cause and we were long overdue some kind of reunion of this sort. It was great to see everyone again and catch up a bit, and it was also the first time I have actually 'seen' Depeche Mode perform!" 我一直覺得在那種情況下離團,就算重組也可能要過很久 沒想到那麼快就成真了 (淚) Tumblr上有人做了兩張圖,真是貼切... http://tinyurl.com/yhpxs5p T_T http://tinyurl.com/yj48gg5 去找了歌單,發現這場又唱了第一張專輯的歌"Photographic"!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2P7ow3QpFnE
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Lovetech 來自: (02/20 03:14)

02/20 04:21, , 1F
Dave幹的好哇!!連我都看的熱血沸騰 :DDDD
02/20 04:21, 1F

02/20 20:01, , 2F
這次他的功勞真的很大 他不邀的話應該沒人會去邀Orz
02/20 20:01, 2F
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