Re: [閒聊] 2023 11/11 第一天演唱會(ASFOS詳細)已刪文

看板Coldplay作者 (是否繼續墜落)時間5月前 (2023/11/15 00:51), 5月前編輯推噓0(000)
留言0則, 0人參與, 最新討論串1/1
: ※ 引述《robinkidd (未來??)》之銘言: : 18. A Sky Full of Stars (要大家放下手機站起來唱) 演唱會的餘韻未退,就再補上這部份的文字記錄。 相對於Fix you前面那段的感人氛圍,ASFOS中間這段可以稱之為溝通的典範。 (音樂突然停止) Wait wait wait… Hold on, hold on. (走回主舞台) I think so far you are the perfect audience, you’re perfect, ten out of ten, 100% wonderful. (台下歡呼) And, I think in this song we can go a little higher, I think we can go a little higher together, that’s what I think. I trust you, I have faith, and I believe in you. And please forgive me speak in English, (半跪下來) I ask you please, for one song, let’s try... Because this group of people we will never in the same place all together again, this is one special family for one night. Now we would like to remember that human to human we come from so far away, brothers and sisters, and we like to just feel that connections. Now so I ask you for one song please and we do one song together with no cameras, no phones, no filming, no pictures, ...(被歡呼蓋過), nothing! You don’t need to film the song, I promise, it’s been filmed before, many times. (台下笑) All you need for this song... because we’re gonna sing a little bit louder, we’re gonna jump a little higher, we’re gonna go (比手勢) together. All you need is: "Your phone in your pocket, your hand in the sky" (複述3次,搭配手勢讓大家跟著唸) That’s the way we make Kaohsiung fly~ (全場LED手環重新亮起,音樂繼續,氣氛被點燃到更高點) ---- 也在這篇補感謝讓票給我的版友,幸好最後還是選擇了搖滾區!謝謝Coldplay! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: ※ 編輯: myflame ( 臺灣), 11/15/2023 01:04:04
文章代碼(AID): #1bKwLqnH (Coldplay)
文章代碼(AID): #1bKwLqnH (Coldplay)