Re: [問題] 請問克莉斯汀和艾利西亞凱斯的合作

看板Christina作者 ( 看 我 七十二變)時間22年前 (2003/03/13 12:49), 編輯推噓0(000)
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※ 引述《socrazy (dirrty)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《amo07 (Mariah的幸運手鏈)》之銘言: : : 怎麼不打這首歌呢? : : 這首也好聽耶 : 她是傳說中的第3支單曲候選啊~~~ : 應該要打第3波了吧??? 第三波候選單曲好像是Fighter喔! "Fighter" is the third single from Stripped, written by Christina and produced by Scott Storch. Christina describes the song as aggressive, and very self-empowering. Be sure to request it on your local radio stations. The video is being directed by Floria Sigismondi, best known for Marilyn Manson's video "The Beautiful People." It will premiere with an episode of MTV's Making The Video later this month. Resource from : -- 華夫人:吃了我們「一日喪命散」的人,一日之內會武功全失,筋脈逆流,胡 思亂想,而致走火入魔,最後會血管爆裂而死。 唐伯虎:沒有錯!而吃了「含笑半步顛」的朋友,顧名思義,絕不能走半步路 ,或者面露笑容,否則也會全身爆炸而死。實在是居家旅行-- 華夫人:殺人滅口-- 兩人:(齊聲)必備良藥! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:
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