
看板Cate作者 (Do Your Worst)時間19年前 (2005/06/17 16:16), 編輯推噓0(000)
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Our Cate may be a direct hit Alison Barclay 16jun05 ON screen in her new film Little Fish, Cate Blanchett is a sorry sight – a worn-out former heroin addict, struggling vainly to clean up her life. Off screen, however, the Oscar-winning actor is a dynamo who could make the leap to producing or directing films if she wanted, says Little Fish's director , Rowan Woods. Woods credits Blanchett with helping him realise his movie after 10 years on the drawing board. Little Fish will open the Melbourne International Film Festival on July 20 and is being hailed as a saviour of the Australian industry. "Fortunately, due mainly to the integrity and power of Cate, we got it made in the way we wanted to make it and she became a real film-making cohort," Woods said at the launch of MIFF 2005 at the Forum Theatre yesterday. "Cate was involved in the script development, the casting, the pre-production, the post-production; she was consulted across the board. She wanted to be. Her notes were very valuable and sought after on many occasions. "It is what I strategically attempt to set up with my actors. You can't do that if they are not intellects in their own right, but Cate is. "Someone like Cate is amazing in that when she steps away from her role she can look at it as a director would. And the bonus is she is one of the best actors." A director-in-waiting, perhaps? "I think if Cate wants to go that way, she will," Woods said. "She has a multi-faceted life, not just film but stage." Shot in and around the Sydney suburb of Cabramatta, Little Fish follows Tracey (Blanchett) as she tries to repair her damaged relationships and re-invent herself as a small-business owner. "One of the amazing things for me, and why I wanted to make the film, is that it is a raw, honest account of being a drug addict that does not end in a bottom-of-the-toilet fashion . . . It is quite positive," Woods said. 看來凱特為這部電影盡心盡力 希望今年凱特唯一的片子能夠給大家新感受 小魚經過「長久」的後製工作 下個月終於要在墨爾本電影節放映! -- 【拿了小金人】凱特布蘭琪【期待Little Fish】 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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